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Our Community and Our Government Ms. J. Helton’s Social Studies Lesson Plans.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Community and Our Government Ms. J. Helton’s Social Studies Lesson Plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Community and Our Government Ms. J. Helton’s Social Studies Lesson Plans

2 In our virtual classroom… 1.Remember to always demonstrate your best manners. 2.Be considerate of others and allow everyone a chance to participate. 3.Never share personal information or post inappropriately. 4.Listen to all instructions carefully. 5.Please ask your questions in the chat box and only raise your hand if your teacher asks you to. 6.When called upon, do your personal best! 7.HAVE FUN!

3 In our classroom… 1.Remember to always demonstrate your best manners. 2.Be considerate of others and allow everyone a chance to participate. 3.Never share personal information or post inappropriately. 4.Listen to all instructions carefully. 5.Please ask your questions in the chat box and only raise your hand if your teacher asks you to. 6.When called upon, do your personal best! 7.HAVE FUN!

4 Social Studies Standards: By the end of this unit, the students will demonstrate an understanding of the local community and the way it compares with other communities in the world and demonstrate an understanding of origin, structure and functions of local government.

5 Social Studies Indicators: The students will be able to: recognize characteristics of the local regions, including its geographic features and natural resources.

6 Today’s Objectives: The students will be able to: identify the characteristics of a community and a neighborhood; Compare the characteristics of cities and suburbs

7 Words to Know: Neighborhood Communities Urban area suburb

8 Hook: Each one of us live in a neighborhood. A neighborhood is a part of a city or town. Think about how your neighborhood looks. On a sheet of paper write words to describe your neighborhood.

9 Introduction: Boys and girls, turn to page 36. Look at the picture on this page. Who do you think the people are?

10 Introduction: Where are they, and what are they doing?

11 Neighborhoods: Read the paragraph on page 36. Write what is the main idea of this paragraph.

12 What is the Main Idea? Main Idea: Supporting Detail 1: Supporting Detail 2:

13 What is the Main Idea? Main Idea: A neighborhood is a part of a city or town. Supporting Detail 1: Supporting Detail 2:

14 Neighborhoods: Think about your neighborhood! Who are the types of people in your neighborhood?

15 Neighborhood Activities: Turn to page 37, with your partner read this paragraph and discuss what is the main idea of this passage.

16 Neighborhood Activities: People in a neighborhood do many things together. With your partner, come up with a list of things people can do in a neighborhood.

17 Think-Pair-Share: With your partner, answer the following question: What are some places on the map on page 37 are in your neighborhood?

18 Checking for Understanding: What is a neighborhood?

19 Checking for Understanding: What do neighbors sometimes do to help their neighborhood?

20 Neighborhood Walk: Boys and girls, we are going to walk around the school neighborhood. I want you to pay close attention to everything around the school neighborhood.

21 Neighborhood Walk: When you get back, you write what you see on a sticky note and place on the chart paper. Then you will draw your school neighborhood.

22 Neighborhood Walk: Remember you should notice and remember important details in order to retell what you have read in your own words and drawings. Line up quietly!

23 Our Community and Our Government Ms. J. Helton’s Social Studies Lesson Plans

24 Social Studies Standards: By the end of this unit, the students will demonstrate an understanding of the local community and the way it compares with other communities in the world and demonstrate an understanding of origin, structure and functions of local government.

25 Today’s Objectives: The students will be able to: Identify the characteristics of a community

26 Communities: “A community is something you are part of. People who have something in common, who share something that is the same, belong to a community.”

27 Communities: Let’s turn to page 38 in our Social Studies books. Today, we will talk about communities. Let’s read page38.

28 Communities: A community is a place where groups of people live. Cities and towns are communities. A community may have few or many different neighborhoods.

29 Communities: A community is a place where groups of people live. Cities and towns are communities. A community may have few or many different neighborhoods.

30 Communities: What is a communities? Look on the map of page 38, how many neighborhoods are name on the map of the Tampa community?

31 Communities: In what ways are neighborhoods and communities alike and different?

32 People in a Communities: Let’s look at page 39, follow along as I read aloud to you.

33 People in a Communities: People in a community get together for many reasons. Perhaps the community has a fair every year. Often people from different neighborhoods work together to get ready for the event. Others help out on the special day. On Paint Day in Tampa, people work together to help others paint their homes.

34 People in a Communities: What are some reasons people get together in communities?

35 You Do: Draw a picture map of your community.

36 Quiz: What are the characteristics of a neighborhood and of a community?

37 Our Community and Our Government Ms. J. Helton’s Social Studies Lesson Plans

38 In our virtual classroom… 1.Remember to always demonstrate your best manners. 2.Be considerate of others and allow everyone a chance to participate. 3.Never share personal information or post inappropriately. 4.Listen to all instructions carefully. 5.Please ask your questions in the chat box and only raise your hand if your teacher asks you to. 6.When called upon, do your personal best! 7.HAVE FUN!

39 By the end of this unit, the students will demonstrate an understanding of the local community and the way it compares with other communities in the world and demonstrate an understanding of origin, structure and functions of local government.

40 What is culture? What can I do to respect different cultures?


42 Beliefs Knowledge Changes Values Traditions

43 Pay close attention to History, People and Culture, and Government and Economy. Look through the pictures Look for things that are similar to American culture and also different. You will have______minutes to tour this site.

44 American CultureOther Cultures Beliefs Knowledge Changes Values Traditions



47 “We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.”We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color. –Maya Angelou, American Poet


49 What is culture? What can I do to respect different cultures?

50 I hope you learned a lot while having tons of fun. CODE WORD : OLS: No  Study Island: No  Our lesson IS COMPLETE!

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