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Objective 4.04 Describe innovations in agricultural technology and business practices and assess their impact on the West.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 4.04 Describe innovations in agricultural technology and business practices and assess their impact on the West."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 4.04 Describe innovations in agricultural technology and business practices and assess their impact on the West

2 Barbed Wire End of open plains, invented by Joseph Glidden as inexpensive way to divide the Great Plains

3 Refrigerator Car Made it possible to deliver cattle to other areas of the country without the meat spoiling Gustavus Franklin Swift

4 Windmill Used as power source in the West, helped pump water to irrigate fields

5 Steel Plow Invented by John Deere, also called a “Sod Buster”

6 Vertical Integration Company takes over it’s suppliers, transportation and support systems to gain total control of it’s product

7 Horizontal Integration Company takes over the companies competing in a particular market, creates a monopoly

8 Interlocking Directorates The Board of Directors for one company is the same Board of Directors for another company

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