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Mendeleev’s Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev Modern Russian Table.

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2 Mendeleev’s Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev

3 Modern Russian Table

4 The Periodic Table Period Group or family Period Group or Family

5 Half of the distance between nucli in covalently bonded diatomic molecule "covalent atomic radii" Periodic Trends in Atomic Radius Radius decreases across a period Due to constant shielding with increased nuclear charge. Radius increases down a group Addition of principal quantum levels Determination of Atomic Radius:

6 Table of Atomic Radii

7 Table of 1 st Ionization Energies

8 Ionization of Magnesium Mg + 738 kJ  Mg + + e - Mg + + 1451 kJ  Mg 2+ + e - Mg 2+ + 7733 kJ  Mg 3+ + e -

9 Ionic Radii Cations Positively charged ions formed when an atom of a metal loses one or more electrons Smaller than the corresponding atom Anions  Negatively charged ions formed when nonmetallic atoms gain one or more electrons  Larger than the corresponding atom

10 Table of Ion Sizes

11 Table of Atomic Radii

12 Summation of Periodic Trends

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