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A2 Historical enquiry: India and the British Empire, 1757-1947.

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Presentation on theme: "A2 Historical enquiry: India and the British Empire, 1757-1947."— Presentation transcript:

1 A2 Historical enquiry: India and the British Empire, 1757-1947

2 Colman vs. lee – peer marking We will peer mark the homework you were writing up for this lesson tomorrow during p.1 Remember to bring it to tomorrow’s lesson (peer mark p.1, finish PPT’s in LCL1 p.2)

3 peer marking: success criteria Use the success criteria to comment on your partner’s work Highlight or underline evidence of the 6 success criteria in your partner’s work (use different colours) Provide 2 WWW comments and 2 EBI comments

4 The impact of WW2 on Empire L.O. To assess the effects of the 2 nd World War on Britain’s hold on the Empire Was it the underlying cause of decline or did it just speed up existing decline?

5 Ppt titles 1.How did the war affect the white dominions? (Matt W) 2.How did the war affect India? (Marco) 3.How did the war affect the idea of Pax Britannica? (Latin for "the British Peace”, this was the period of relative peace in Europe and the world (1815–1914) during which the British Empire controlled most of the key maritime trade routes and enjoyed unchallenged sea power) (Cyrus + Jordy) 4.What was the importance of military defeats and gains in the SE Asia region? (Jonny B) 5.How did the war affect Britain’s economic relationship with the empire? (Matt R + Adiel) 6.What did the war cost Britain and how was it financed? (Robs) 7.How did the war affect popular opinion in Britain? (Josh + Tim) 8.How did the war affect the USA’s attitude to British colonialism? (Brad and Jonny W)

6 For each ppt Show whether there were problems before the war Explain what happened during the war Show the position at the end of the war Due: 05/11 – in my work post box or emailed to me by 04/11 so I can print hand outs for the groups

7 Cause or catalyst? Define: Cause - Catalyst - Your opinion: Was WW2 a cause or a catalyst for decolonisation?

8 h/w – deadline – 19 th Nov (A2 tracker) Explain why, shortly after the end of the Second World War, Britain made the decision to reduce her Empire (1000-2000 words) Essay should go back to at least 1919, you could go back as far as 1900 Include – historian led arguments, agreements and disagreements in evidence, use of quotation, a developed conclusion

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