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Reading Group Meeting Threats’ classification 24/10/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Group Meeting Threats’ classification 24/10/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Group Meeting Threats’ classification 24/10/2013

2 Threats InternalExternal Stress (slow/chronic) Shock (quick/acute) Climate change: averages Urbanisation Population growth Demographic change Consumption patterns Environmental reg (air/w.q.) Financial regulation Climate change: extremes Natural disaster Other infrastructure failure Sabotage War/riot Epidemic Water system degradation e.g. leakage, infiltration Resource depletion / degradation Skills depletion Incremental innovation Budget constraints Water system failure e.g. burst, pumps Accident Error Industrial dispute Based on Westrum (2006); Dawson et al. (2010) Safe SuRe

3 1. Origin 1.1 External  Societal (Population growth,…)  Economical (Financial regulation change, …)  Environmental (Extreme climate change, …)  Other infrastructure failure (Power outage, …)  Organisational/Institutional Communicational Conflicts (water rights, …) Regulation  Human-caused Accidental (car accidents to fire hydrant, …) Deliberate (terrorist attacks, …) 1.2 Internal  Infrastructure failure Operation-related (pump failure, …) Design-related ( physical failure: pipe burst, …) Cyber-related (error, malfunction, …) Human-related (error, lack of skill,…)  Financial (budget limitation, …)  Regulation  Human-caused Accidental Deliberate (staff strike, …)

4 2. Temporality of change Shock (quick/ acute) Stress (slow/chronic) 3. Predictability Unpredicted/Unexpected Predicted/Expected 4. Occurrence Single threat Multiple/simultaneous threats 5. Likelihood of occurrence Very high High Medium Low Very low 6. Level of Impact (Potential to disrupt) Partly disruption Fully disruption 7. Severity Routine/Regular Disaster/Irregular Emergency

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