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Group9 Kenny Sanders, Ashneel Singh, Jillian Cornette, Justin Mills, Chris Woolfe, Nathaniel Escribano, Jason Hachen, Andrew Melnyk, Elizabeth Graham,

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Presentation on theme: "Group9 Kenny Sanders, Ashneel Singh, Jillian Cornette, Justin Mills, Chris Woolfe, Nathaniel Escribano, Jason Hachen, Andrew Melnyk, Elizabeth Graham,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group9 Kenny Sanders, Ashneel Singh, Jillian Cornette, Justin Mills, Chris Woolfe, Nathaniel Escribano, Jason Hachen, Andrew Melnyk, Elizabeth Graham, Anton Drake

2 Introduction

3 Description A 2-D adventure game based around the cupcake character named Coco. He’s on a mission to save his wife, Casey! He must overcome many obstacles along the way, but nothing is ever as sweet as seems…

4 Health Meter Lives Main Character User Instructions for Game Play Controls Basic Game Play

5 Demo

6 Benefits  Basic framework already in place  Many simple additions can greatly improve game play  Most bugs in the existing system are simple fixes  Team member with previous knowledge of the system

7 Process Model: Evolutionary  Evolutions: Natural breakdown  Designing: Time management  Implementing: Close to design  Flexibility: Unforeseen additions

8 Team Structure Team Leader Jillian Team 1 Chris Jason Justin Anton Team 2 Kenny Neil Nathaniel Elizabeth Drifter Andrew Document Manager: KennyProcess Log Manager: Chris Repository Manager: NeilContact Manager: Nathaniel Website Manager: Justin

9 Evolutions EvolutionRequirementsDescription 13Debugging 211,19, 1, 2Loading Screen, Help Menu, Mini Map, Ability to Save 39, 35, 6, 26, 7, 41Enemies: Collision Detection, Remove Classes, Animate Death, Explode, Vicious When Close, Art for Pieces 427, 28, 29, 17Enemies: Collect Pieces, Turn Them In, Give Clue, Go Inside Buildings 510, 16, 14, 39, 42Coco Being Hurt, Health Item, Player Stats, New Starting Location for Coco, New Screen for Coco Death 632, 33, 34New Mini Games for Each Land 718, 13, 31Options Menu, Heads Up Display, Split Loading

10 Evolutions EvolutionRequirementsDescription 821, 20, 15, 8Special Characters, Talking Characters, Boss Battles, Allow Coco to Run 922, 23, 24, 25Level Editor, Coco Editor, Profiles, Player Stats on Website 1012, 30, 40Optimize Code, Android Cell Phone Platform, Level with Coco’s Wife

11 Evolution 1 1.Mayor Marzipan Cut Scene 2.Redd Hot Cut Scene 3.Skip Mayor Cut Scene 4.Bullet Rotation 5.Gooey Game Loads Too Slow 6.Enemy Collision Detection 7.Coco Collision Detection 8.Gunfire Sound Effect 9.Only One Bullet at a Time 10.Mini Games Can Be Started at Any Time 11.Grass Drawn on Buildings 12.Cannot Enter Marshmallow Meadow Porthole 13.Flowers 14.Music Plays Early 15.Walking Animations 16.Gooey Game Graphics Overlap 17.Teleporting Coordinates 18.Splash Screen Bug 19.Enemy Bug

12 Bullet Rotation Before: bullets appear horizontal when moving vertically After: bullets rotated to appear to be moving in the direction it was fired

13 Teleport Bug Old algorithm: 1.Check if corner of Coco's rectangle is on a purple pixel of color map. 2.Check if entire Coco rectangle is inside invisible rectangle around portal. New algorithm: 1.Check if any part of Coco's rectangle intersects invisible rectangle around portal.

14 Evolution 2 Requirement 1: Mini Map Requirement 2: Ability to Save Requirement 11: Loading Screen Requirement 19: Help Menu

15 Mini Map We will use the coordinates that Coco has to place a red dot on a mini map of the entire world. This same system will be adapted for all 4 worlds of the game, and be open for any future worlds. Since Coco is always in the center of the map the mini map will never cover Coco.

16 Ability to Save  Generate an option to save the game.  Possible to add in a 'save house'  Create/modify a file to store all relevant data  Multiple save files will be possible, up to 3.  Loading will take the structured save file and read it into a buffer before storing it.  All data will be checked for “fairness” before loading so issues can be avoided

17 Loading Screen User presses ‘a’ to access another land. Goal: Provide players with feedback on system state/progress. Uses: Initial launch of the game, level transitions, minigames Before: Trigger action (load game, minigame, etc.) Wait… “What’s going on?” [frustration] Oh! After: Trigger action (load game, minigame, etc.) “OK, it’s loading.” [content]

18 Help Menu

19 Semester Schedule


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