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World War I Key Terms 1. mobilization 2. Allies 3. Central Powers 4. stalemate 5. propaganda 6. U-boats 7. The sinking of the Lusitania 8. Zimmerman Note.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I Key Terms 1. mobilization 2. Allies 3. Central Powers 4. stalemate 5. propaganda 6. U-boats 7. The sinking of the Lusitania 8. Zimmerman Note."— Presentation transcript:


2 World War I Key Terms 1. mobilization 2. Allies 3. Central Powers 4. stalemate 5. propaganda 6. U-boats 7. The sinking of the Lusitania 8. Zimmerman Note 9. Convoy 10. autocrat 11. Russian Revolution 12. Great Migration 13. armistice 14. genocide 15. self–determination 16. Wilson’s Fourteen Points 17. reparations 18. League of Nations 19. Isolationism 20. Sergeant Alvin C. York 21. American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) 22. John Pershing 23. Treaty of Versailles 24. Selective Service Act 25. Herbert Hoover 26. Liberty Bonds 27. Sedition Act

3 MOBILIZATION The readying of troops

4 PROPAGANDA Information intended to sway public opinion

5 REPARATION Payment from an enemy for economic injury suffered during a war

6 STALEMATE Situation in which neither side in a conflict is able to gain the advantage

7 SELF-DETERMINATION The power to make decisions about one’s own future

8 LEAGUE OF NATIONS An organization in which the nations of the world join together to ensure security and peace for all its memebers

9 SELECTIVE SERVICE ACT Law passed in 1917 authorizing a draft of young men for military service in WWI

10 WILSON’S FOURTEEN POINTS President Wilson’s proposal in 1918 for postwar European peace

11 SEDITION ACTS Made it illegal to obstruct the sale of Liberty Bonds or to discuss anything “disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive”

12 RUSSIAN REVOLUTION Collapse of the Czar’s government in Russian in 1917, after which the Russian monarch was replaced with a republican government

13 ARMISTICE A cease fire or truce

14 TREATY OF VERSAILLES 1919 treaty that ended WWI

15 LIBERTY BONDS A special war bond sold by the government to support the Allied cause during WWI

16 U-BOATS A German Submarine

17 ISOLATIONISM Policy of avoiding political or economic alliances with foreign countries

18 SERGEANT ALVIN YORK Faced German machine gun, killed 25 machine gunner with rifle & pistol & captured 132 German soldiers

19 ZIMMERMAN NOTE Telegram sent by Germany’s foreign secretary in 1917 to Mexican officials proposing an alliance with Mexico & promising U.S. territory if Mexico declared war on U.S.

20 GENOCIDE Organized killing of an entire people

21 CENTRAL POWERS Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

22 ZEPPELINS German floating airships

23 JOHN J PERSHING Leader of AEF during WWI

24 HERBERT HOOVER Worked to aid Europeans during WWI

25 ALLIES Russia, France, Serbia, & Great Britain

26 AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES Name given to American troops in Europe during WWI

27 AUTOCRAT Ruler with unlimited power

28 LUSITANIA British passenger liner sunk by German U-Boat which left 128 Americans dead

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