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Goal: Use multiple sources of data to make instructional decisions based on students’ learning gap.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal: Use multiple sources of data to make instructional decisions based on students’ learning gap."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal: Use multiple sources of data to make instructional decisions based on students’ learning gap

2 Turn and Talk to your Neighbor ; and share out Definition of Formative Assessment

3 Formative Assessment/Instructional Process  Formative assessment is a planned process in which assessment elicits evidence of students status, is used by teachers to adjust their on going instructional procedures, or by students to adjust their current learning tactics.  We have also included a data analysis component at Becker Elementary

4 What does the research say about improving learning outcomes?

5 Formative Assessment: Why Dawdling Is Dumb Because compelling evidence now exists that formative assessment, when appropriately implemented, has a profound positive impact on students’ learning, to delay in expanding the use of formative assessment short-changes our students educationally and, thereby, demeans our profession. (Popham, 2009)

6 Desegregated Data Growth and Areas of Support

7 Assessment for Learning


9 Keys Strategies of Formative Assessment (across 3 key process and 3 individuals) Where is the learner going? Where the learner is right now? How to get there? Teacher Clarifying and sharing learning intentions Understanding and sharing learning intentions and criteria for success Understanding learning intentions and criteria for success Engineering effective classroom discussions, activities, and task that elicit evidence of learning Providing feedback that moves learning forward Peer Activating learners as instructional resources for one another Learner Activating learners as the owners of their own learning

10 Concerns Based Adoption Model ( A model to monitor implementation) Stages of Concern Survey IC Maps Level of Use Interview

11 Process we came up with... 1. Set the purpose of our BASE team meeting, what evidence do we have 2. What needs to be accomplished 3. Look at the Core: 1. what is the expectations according to the Iowa CCSS 2. Look at the DOK: what is the level of rigor 4. Clear learning targets and success criteria 5. Plan for pre/post assessment, instruction, intervention

12 PLC/BASE Team Meeting Data TeamPurpose  Building Awareness for Strategic Excellence  Grade level teachers, specialists, interventionist, lead teacher, literacy coach and principal meet twice a week for 45 minutes for collaborative planning  Alignment of CIA directly to the Iowa Core  Collaboration  Analyze data  Identify relative strengths and weakness  Strategic focus back to the core  Intervention meetings

13 o Formative Assessment/Instructional Process o Iowa Common Core booklets Iowa Common Core booklets o DOK Guides DOK Guides o Curriculum Guides, Rubrics, Assessments... o Student Work Samples o Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium Practice Items (3 rd – 5 th ) Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium Practice Items (3 rd – 5 th ) Tools used in BASE Team

14 Data Process  Convergent Data:  SI, DRA2, IA, End of Unit  Grade Level –  Skills Iowa Mastery/Relative strength and weaknesses Skills Iowa Mastery/Relative strength and weaknesses  Individual Class –  Skills Iowa Mastery/Relative strength and weaknesses  Individual Student –  Relative Strength and weaknesses/compare CFA’s to Skills Iowa  Student Conferencing –  Goal setting, skills tutor, and adjusted small group instruction  Student self-assessment  Intervention Meetings –  6 -8 weeks, with CIM and CLM

15 Convergent Data  Monitoring student growth rate Monitoring student growth rate  Progress Monitoring  Planning for Interventions

16 Individual Student Data Core + Key Words Individual strength and Needs  Compare personal score to class average  Compare results to convergent data  Compare Across Data Point  Goal setting

17 Individual Student Conferencing  Writing  Small group  Skills, Strategies, Skills Tutor  Goal setting  Teacher adjusts small group instruction  Progress Monitoring

18 Student Self-Assessment Student WorkSuccess Criteria


20 Student Ownership & Transfer How has instruction changed? What evidence is there that students are adjusting their thinking about learning?

21 Comments, Questions, Thoughts

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