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Horizons Gifted Program Services Maximizing Potential for All Students.

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1 Horizons Gifted Program Services Maximizing Potential for All Students

2 Sharon Elementary Horizons The Sharon Elementary Horizons program follows the eligibility criteria established by the Georgia Department of Education Sarah Bellamy Susan O’Malley Rhonda Williams

3 What does it mean to be gifted? A gifted student demonstrates a high degree of intellectual and/or creative abilities, exhibits a high degree of motivation, and/or excels in academic fields. The gifted student needs special instruction and/or special services to achieve at levels that match his/her abilities.

4 Bright Child or Gifted Learner? BRIGHT CHILD Knows the answers 6-8 repetitions for mastery Completes assignments Enjoys school Absorbs information Works hard Top group Learns with ease GIFTED LEARNER Asks the questions 1-2 repetitions for mastery Initiates projects Enjoys learning Manipulates information Plays around, yet tests well Beyond the group Already knows

5 What is Horizons? For gifted elementary students the HORIZONS program provides instruction designed to help each child reach his or her full potential. Services range from resource to collaborative combinations to advanced content(5 th grade only).

6 Referral Process The very first step for entrance into the Horizons program is a REFERRAL A referral may come from anyone who has knowledge of a child’s abilities: Parent, teacher, counselor, administrator, etc. An automatic referral may also come about as a result of mass screening of all 3 rd and 6 th grade standardized test results

7 G.E.T. Meeting Gifted Eligibility Team Once a referral has been made, an in-school review team made up of gifted program teachers, an administrator, and classroom teachers will review evidence and determine: *Is further testing needed? Or Are the student’s needs being met in the regular classroom?

8 Eligibility for Gifted Services If further testing is recommended, students must then qualify in 3 out of 4 areas: *Mental Ability Creativity *Achievement Motivation *School wide testing occurs in 3 rd grade only.

9 How are Horizons Students’ Needs Served? Horizons students may leave their classrooms for several hours each week to engage in intensive multidisciplinary units of study. Horizons students’ work in the regular classroom may be modified based upon collaboration between their classroom teachers and Horizons teachers.

10 Gifted Learner Standards/Curriculum Critical Thinking Communication Skills Logical Problem Solving Research/Inquiry/Analyzing & Synthesizing Creative Thinking Self-Directed Learning Collaboration Responsible Citizenship

11 Professional Collaboration Plan with classroom teachers to create quality work that extends and enriches the classroom curriculum Provide assistance in creating individual learning activities based on student needs Design enrichment opportunities to supplement the curriculum and maximize student potential Horizons Teachers + Classroom Teachers= Meeting the Needs of All Learners

12 Standards In Horizons, we strive to be... Responsible Citizens by being considerate Creative Problem Solvers by brainstorming and researching problems Logical Problem Solvers by analyzing problems Communicators by speaking and writing clearly Researchers by collecting and presenting information Self-Directed Learners by performing at your optimal level Producers of Excellence by embracing mistakes and revising work Critical Thinkers by using your powers of reasoning Collaborative Learners by contributing to a group effort

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