IEEE Computer Society San Antonio IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting Sep 8, 2012 San Marcos, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE Computer Society San Antonio IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting Sep 8, 2012 San Marcos, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE Computer Society San Antonio IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting Sep 8, 2012 San Marcos, TX

2 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Leadership Team Term: June 2012 – May 2013 l Chair, Gary Rogers, Senior Life IEEE member l Secretary, Dr. Yu Zhang, Trinity University (Currently inactive while away, return 2013) l Logistics, Dr. Djaffer Ibaroudene, St. Mary's University l Communications and Webmaster, Dale Wilken, DLW Software LLC l Past Chair, Dr. Wenbin Luo, St. Mary's University

3 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Updates Plan for Meetings: Meet at St. Mary’s University, usually in conference room B, University Center Dinner in the St. Mary’s Cafeteria downstairs, all you can eat buffet $8.50 plus tax (NOT $7.50 as in the newsletter) Dinner: 6:30-7:15 Networking: 7:15-7:30, in the meeting room Speaker 7:30-8:30 Iced tea/Water to be available in the meeting room Non-Students pay the cafeteria for their own dinner, resident St. Mary’s Students have meal cards to cover dinner. Other students will have to pay for their own dinner or skip dinner and just come to the speaker program.

4 IEEE Central Texas Section 2011-2012 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical/ Admin TopicSpeakerL31 09/20/11TechnicalHypervisor – Quantum Advance in Digital System Security Mr. Matt Rasmussen Yes 10/18/11TechnicalDevelopment of Parallel Subsurface Multiphase Flow Simulation Capability Mr. Will ArensmanYes 11/15/11TechnicalClosed-loop Control of Clinical Sedation, Reinforcement Learning for Patient-Specific Propofol Anesthesia: A Human Volunteer Study Dr. Brett L. MooreYes 01/24/12TechnicalAutonomous Systems and the Missions They Enable Michael K. McLelland Yes 02/21/12TechnicalYou're Bleeding Sensitive Data - Find it Before They Do Steve WerbyYes 03/28/12TechnicalComputer Forensics – Finding the Missing Piece of the Puzzle Scott BroderhausenYes 05/01/12TechnicalAnnual Student NightVarious University Students Yes

5 IEEE Central Texas Section 2012-2013 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical/ Admin TopicSpeakerL31 09/18/12TechnicalThe IEEE Future Cities CompetitionJoules Webb 10/16/12TechnicalStump the ScannerTom O’Brien 11/20/12TechnicalElectric Vehicle TechnologyJoe Redfield 01/22/13TechnicalNetwork Router Firmware ConfigurationMike Perez 02/19/13Technical 03/19/13Technical 04/16/13Technical 04/30/13TechnicalAnnual Student NightVarious University Students

6 IEEE Central Texas Section Preliminary Topics for the 3 Open Meetings in Spring 2013 l The Cloud and OpenStack – Speaker from Rackspace l Cyber Security for Vehicles – Speaker from SWR l Smart Metering – Speaker from SWR l IEEE CEDA Distinguished Speaker Series Video presentations:  Shekhar Borkar – The Truths and Myths of Embedded Computing  Steve Teig – Beyond von Neumann Computing

7 IEEE Central Texas Section Special Topic for September The IEEE Future Cities Competition Presented by Joules Webb The competition is for 6 th to 8 th grade students. The Central Texas Competition will be held at Texas State University on Saturday, January 19, 2013. The competitors, working in teams, will be using computer simulation, scale modeling, writing, and presentation skills to do their work. This competition offers engineer's seeking a worthwhile means of contributing to future scientific minds an excellent opportunity to volunteer as mentors and judges. All are invited to attend this informative meeting and to consider their own personal participation.

8 IEEE Central Texas Section SWOT Analysis l Strengths: Monthly meetings are generally well organized and attended. This includes significant attendance by students. l Weaknesses: The core of members who show any interest in leadership is small. l Opportunities: Attract more students and professionals to attend the monthly meetings by recruiting high-quality speakers to present high-value programs. l Threats: Some members complained that the membership fee is getting very expensive. IEEE needs to address this issue. Otherwise, we may lose some volunteers in the future.

9 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Plans / Issues l We plan to host three technical meetings in the coming fall and five technical meetings in the spring of 2013. l We will evaluate how well our plan to have dinner in the St. Mary’s Cafeteria is working for our members. It will resolve our past problems with staying within our budget.

10 IEEE Central Texas Section QUESTIONS??? Thanks

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