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Search (continued) CPSC 386 Artificial Intelligence Ellen Walker Hiram College.

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Presentation on theme: "Search (continued) CPSC 386 Artificial Intelligence Ellen Walker Hiram College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Search (continued) CPSC 386 Artificial Intelligence Ellen Walker Hiram College

2 Evaluating Search Strategies Completeness –Will a solution always be found if one exists? Optimality –Will the optimal (least cost) solution be found? Time Complexity –How long does it take to find the solution? –Often represented by # nodes expanded Space Complexity –How much memory is needed to perform the search? –Represented by max # nodes stored at once

3 Comparison of Strategies Breadth First Uniform Cost Depth First Depth Limited Iterative Deepening Bidirec- tional Complete ? Yes (finite) YesNo Yes TimeO(b d+1 )O(b C*/e )O(b m )O(b l )O(b d )O(b d/2 ) SpaceO(b d+1 )O(b C*/e )O(bm)O(bl) O(b d/2 ) Optimal?Yes (all =) YesNo Yes (all =) Yes (all =, bfs) (Adapted from Figure 3.17, p. 81)

4 Avoiding Repeated States All visited nodes must be saved to avoid looping –Closed list: all expanded nodes –Open list: fringe of unexpanded nodes If the current node matches a node on the closed list, it is discarded –In some algorithms, the new node might be better, and the old one discarded

5 Partial Information Sensorless problems –Multiple initial states, multiple next states –Consider all for a solution, e.g. table tipping Contingency problems –New information after each action –E.g. adversarial (multiplayer games)

6 Informed Search Strategies Also called heuristic search All are variations of best-first search –The next node to expand is the one “most likely” to lead to a solution –Priority queue, like uniform cost search, but priority is based on additional knowledge of the problem –The priority function for the priority queue is usually called f(n)

7 Heuristic Function Heuristic, from Greek for “good” Heuristic function, h(n) = estimated cost from the current state to the goal Therefore, our best estimate of total path cost is g(n) + h(n) –Recall, g(n) is cost from initial state to current state –If we treat uniform cost search as a heuristic search, f(n) = g(n) and h(n) = 0

8 Algorithms Greedy best-first search –Always expand the node closest to the goal –f(n) = h(n) A* Search –Expand the node with the best estimated total cost –f(n) = g(n) + h(n) –The fun part is dealing with loops when a node being expanded matches a node on the open or closed list.

9 Greedy Best-First Search Like depth-first search, it tends to want to stay on a path, once chosen Doesn’t like solutions that require you to move away from the goal to get there –Example: 8 puzzle Non-optimal Worst-case exponential, but good heuristic function helps! Also called “hill climbing” (but traditional hill climbing doesn’t backtrack)

10 A* Search Algorithm –put initial state (only) on OPEN –Until a goal node is found: If OPEN is empty, fail BESTNODE := best node on OPEN (lowest (g+h) value) if BESTNODE is a goal node, succeed move BESTNODE from OPEN to CLOSED generate successors of BESTNODE

11 A* (cont) –For each SUCCESSOR in successor list set SUCCESSOR's parent to BESTNODE (back link for finding path later) compute g(SUCCESSOR) = g(BESTNODE) + cost of link from BESTNODE to SUCCESSOR if SUCCESSOR is the same as a node on OPEN OLD := node on OPEN that is same as SUCCESSOR add OLD to list of BESTNODE's successors if g(SUCCESSOR) < g(OLD) (newly found path is cheaper) reset OLD’s parent to BESTNODE g(OLD) = g(SUCCESSOR)

12 A* (cont) else if SUCCESSOR is the same as a node on CLOSED OLD := node on CLOSED that is same as SUCCESSOR add OLD to list of BESTNODE's successors if g(SUCCESSOR) < g(OLD) (newly found path is cheaper) reset OLD's parent to BESTNODE g(OLD) = g(SUCCESSOR) Update g() of all successors of OLD else add SUCCESSOR to list of BESTNODE's successors

13 Updating successors of a closed node if NODE is empty, return For each successor of NODE if the parent of the successor is NODE then g(successor) = g(NODE) + path cost update_successors(successor) else if g(NODE) + path cost < g(successor) then g(successor) = g(NODE) + path cost update_successors(successor)

14 A* Example (h = true cost) 12 11 3 2 5 4 8 2 7 1 0 8 1 2 1 2 4 4 4 BC A D E F G H I

15 A* Search Example (h underestimates true cost) 10 11 3 2 5 2 58 2 7 1 0 8 1 2 1 2 4 4 4 BC A D E F G H I

16 Better h means better search When h = cost to the goal, –Only nodes on correct path are expanded –Optimal solution is found When h < cost to the goal, –Additional nodes are expanded –Optimal solution is found When h > cost to the goal –Optimal solution can be overlooked

17 Comments on A* search A* is optimal if h(n) is admissable, -- if it never overestimates distance to goal We don’t need all the bookkeeping if h(n) is consistent -- if the distance of a successor node is never more than the distance of the predecessor – the cost of the action. If g(n) = 0, A* = greedy best-first search If g(n) = k, h(n)=0, A* = breadth-first search

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