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Rational and Irrational Numbers Write down anything you know about rational and irrational number.

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Presentation on theme: "Rational and Irrational Numbers Write down anything you know about rational and irrational number."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rational and Irrational Numbers Write down anything you know about rational and irrational number.

2 Rational Numbers Any number that can be written as a ratio, or fraction. How can these numbers be written as fractions? 4.5, 12.6, 0.35, -7, 112, 3.333….. Rational numbers are part of the Real Number System. They include integers, whole numbers and natural numbers.

3 Real Number System Rational Numbers Integers Whole Numbers Natural Numbers Irrational Numbers

4 Rational numbers: fractions, mixed numbers, improper fractions, decimals, repeating decimals, integers, and whole numbers, square roots of perfect squares They can be positive or negative. ½, 3 ½, -4/5, 6.2343, -5.4, -15, 100, 0, √100, √16, √400, 3.78787878…(can include bar over number). Integers: Positive numbers, their opposites (negatives) and zero …,-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, … Whole numbers: Counting numbers and zero 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, … Natural numbers: Counting numbers 1, 2, 3, 4,..

5 Irrational Numbers “Unreasonable” numbers They don’t make any sense. Numbers that are non-terminating and non-repeating Examples: Pi- π (never ends, never repeats) Square roots of non-perfect squares √2, √32, √17, 3√5, √18

6 Let’s Practice 1) Which number is rational? √121, √2, √6, √12, π 2) Which number is irrational? √81, √8, √16, √49, √0 3) Which number is irrational? ½, 3.57863251…, 0.453453453…, -18/5, √196

7 Label each number as rational or irrational. √18 √101 √64-5 2/3 -1/3 √48 1.333… √169 -512.03456 3.13130.014685034631… π0 √5√2

8 Which answer choice represents a rational expression? A) √16 √2 C) √8 √2 B) √15 √3 D) √12 √4

9 Which expression is irrational? A) 4 3/5 B).06789 C) √169 D) √48

10 Which expression is irrational? A) 100 41 B)0. 00345 C)√2 D)-3.234

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