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India 1940-today. India-what do you remember? Ganges river – sacred river Birth place of Hinduism caste system, stupas, karma, dharma and untouchables.

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Presentation on theme: "India 1940-today. India-what do you remember? Ganges river – sacred river Birth place of Hinduism caste system, stupas, karma, dharma and untouchables."— Presentation transcript:

1 India 1940-today

2 India-what do you remember? Ganges river – sacred river Birth place of Hinduism caste system, stupas, karma, dharma and untouchables Birth place of Buddhism Golden Age under the Gupta (Indus river valley) Isolated by the Himalayan Mountains Conquered by Muslim dynasty

3 The Brightest Jewel in the English Crown Colony of Great Britain Source of salt and cotton Market for finished products

4 India before World War I Indian Nationalism emerged Indian National Congress formed in 1885 called for an equal opportunity to serve in government Muslim League formed in 1906 to protect their rights

5 Between the Wars 1 million Indians had served in Allied causes At home Indians still had few rights Amritsar Massacre 1919 – British troops fired on a gathering killing 400 wounding over 1,200 Gandhi emerges as a leader of nationalism Civil disobedience Boycotting and homespun

6 India post WW II During WW II Gandhi discouraged kicking Great Britain when it was down. He believed that India and GB should part as friends.

7 Indian Independence INC & Muslim League worked for independence together Salt March was turning point for the world India proved their determination for freedom from Great Britain Symbol of freedom = spinning wheel

8 India after Independence - 1947 India Nehru 1 st prime Minister Hindu majority Indira Gandhi 1966-84 assassinated by bodyguards Rajiv Gandhi 1991 assassinated Pakistan Ali Jinnah 1 st governor General Muslim majority Religious tension=bloodshed

9 India and the Cold war India was non aligned during the Cold War Accepted aid from the US and the USSR

10 India Today Largest Democracy in the world Unifying forces Hinduism geography

11 India Today Dividing forces Caste system – 2,000 yrs old Status of women Sikh separatism Overpopulation – food, oil, floods, drought, Green Revolution Ganges river

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