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LAB EQUIPMENT REVIEW Hit the ENTER key ONCE each time. First, the picture of each piece of equipment will come up. Try to correctly name and spell the.

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Presentation on theme: "LAB EQUIPMENT REVIEW Hit the ENTER key ONCE each time. First, the picture of each piece of equipment will come up. Try to correctly name and spell the."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAB EQUIPMENT REVIEW Hit the ENTER key ONCE each time. First, the picture of each piece of equipment will come up. Try to correctly name and spell the piece of equipment. Hit the ENTER key again, and the name of the piece of equipment will come up.

2 Erlenmeyer flask

3 Florence flask

4 beaker

5 graduate

6 funnel

7 tripod stand

8 test tubes test tube rack

9 crucible tongs

10 beaker tongs

11 test tube tongs

12 mortar (the bowl) and pestle (the stick)

13 flask clamp

14 ring clamp

15 ring stand

16 wire gauze pad

17 Tirrill burner

18 forceps

19 thermometer

20 electronic balance

21 Petri dish

22 pipet

23 scoopula

24 watch glass

25 tubing clamp

26 overflow container

27 hot hands

28 triple beam balance

29 hot plate

30 meter stick

31 goggles

32 syringe

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