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GEM Presentation GEM Team USDA-ARS NCRPIS GEM - December 8, 2004 - G ermplasm E nhancement of M aize.

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Presentation on theme: "GEM Presentation GEM Team USDA-ARS NCRPIS GEM - December 8, 2004 - G ermplasm E nhancement of M aize."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEM Presentation GEM Team USDA-ARS NCRPIS GEM - December 8, 2004 - G ermplasm E nhancement of M aize

2 GEM Recommended Lines for 2005 Release

3 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize BARBGP2:N08a18-332-001-B - Origin (Race): Barbados (Tusón) - Heterotic Group: Non-Stiff Stalk Topcross MeansLine VAT (NIR) PedigreeYieldMoistY/M % Stalk% Root ProteinOilStarch Lodging BARBGP2:N08a18-332-001- B183.520.493.53.711.53.570.7 Check Means184.620.494.63.513.7369.5 CV16.514.4 LSD (p=0.05)26.62.6 The combined trial analysis is 29 locations over 2 year. Tester: LH200xLH198 (02122), LH198 (046011), PIO-SS for (046018), and SYN-SS (046021). The NIR check is B73 (1 year data).

4 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize CH05015:N1204-057-001-B - Origin (Race): Chile (Camelia) - Heterotic Group: Non-Stiff Stalk Topcross MeansLine VAT (NIR) PedigreeYieldMoistY/M % Stalk Lodging % Root LodgingProteinOilStarch CH05015:N1204-057-001-B172.718.99.16.311.614.04.763.0 Check Means203.421.49.52.916. CV14.923.8 LSD (p=0.05)18.63.1 The combined trial analysis is 20 locations over 2 year. Tester: LH198 (02531), LH200 (04603), and LH198 (04609). The NIR check is B73.

5 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize CH05015:N1502-086-001-B - Origin (Race): Chile (Camelia) - Heterotic Group: Non-Stiff Stalk Topcross MeansLine VAT (NIR) PedigreeYieldMoistY/M % Stalk Lodging % Root LodgingProteinOilStarch CH05015:N1502-086-001-B176.717.710. Check Means183.620. CV19.015.5 F-value2.48.9 LSD (p=0.05)31.82.8 The combined trial analysis is 29 locations over 2 years. Tester: MON-SS (025311), LH198 (046011), PIO-SS1 (046018), and SYN-SS (046021) The NIR check is B73 (1 year data).

6 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize CHIS775:S1911b-120-001-B-B - Origin (Race): Mexico (Tuxpeño) - Heterotic Group: Stiff Stalk Topcross MeansLine VAT (NIR) PedigreeYieldMoistY/M % Stalk Lodging % Root LodgingProteinOilStarch CHIS775:S1911b-120-001-B-B180.720. Check Means175.420. CV18.013.8 LSD (p=0.05)26.97.7 The combined trial analysis is 18 locations over 3 years. Tester: PIO-nSS (00132), LH185 (011310), and LH185 (046015). The NIR check is B73.

7 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize DK212T:N11a12-191-001-B - Origin (Race): Thailand (comm. DK) - Heterotic Group: Non-Stiff Stalk Topcross MeansLine VAT (NIR) PedigreeYieldMoistY/M % Stalk Lodging % Root LodgingProteinOilStarch DK212T:N11a12-191-001-B170.820.88.20.8 12.32.968.8 Check Means178.720. CV15.813.4 LSD (p=0.05)18.01.7 The combined trial analysis is 19 locations over 2 years. Tester: HC33 (02133), PIO-SS for (046018), and SYN-SS (046021). The NIR check is B73 (1 year data).

8 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize DKB844:S1601-003-002-B-B - Origin (Race): Mexico (comm. DK) - Heterotic Group: Stiff Stalk Topcross MeansLine VAT (NIR) PedigreeYieldMoistY/M % Stalk Lodging % Root LodgingProteinOilStarch DKB844:S1601-003-002-B-B183. Check Means197.119.510.11.91.413.03.568.6 CV13.013.1 LSD (p=0.05)22.92.3 The combined trial analysis is 19 locations over 2 year. Tester: LH185 (99131), LH283 (04604), and LH185 (046012). The NIR check is B73.

9 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize DKB844:S1601-073-001-B-B - Origin (Race): Mexico (comm. DK) - Heterotic Group: Stiff Stalk Topcross MeansLine VAT (NIR) PedigreeYieldMoistY/M % Stalk Lodging % Root LodgingProteinOilStarch DKB844:S1601-073-001-B-B189. Check Means197.119.510.11.91.411.73.968.4 CV12.613.4 LSD (p=0.05)22.22.4 The combined trial analysis is 19 locations over 2 years. Tester: LH185 (99131), LH283 (04604), and LH185 (046012). The NIR check is B73 (1 year data).

10 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize DREP150:N2011d-624-001-B - Origin (Race): Domin. Rep. (Mixed) - Heterotic Group: Non-Stiff Stalk Topcross MeansLine VAT (NIR) PedigreeYieldMoistY/M % Stalk Lodging % Root LodgingProteinOilStarch DREP150:N2011d-624-001-B169.421. Check Means182.720. CV16.916.5 LSD (p=0.05)35.23.9 The combined trial analysis is 27 locations over 2 years. Tester: MBS3651 (02136), LH198 (046011), PIO-SS for (046018), and SYN-SS (046021). The NIR check is B73 (1 year data).

11 G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize UR11003:S0302-1011-001-B - Origin (Race): Uruguay (Dente Branco) - Heterotic Group: Stiff Stalk Topcross MeansLine VAT (NIR) PedigreeYieldMoistY/M % Stalk Lodging % Root LodgingProteinOilStarch UR11003:S0302-1011-001-B200.618. Check Means207.320.410.22.62.712.23.269.6 CV12.810.2 LSD (p=0.05)28.72.2 The combined trial analysis is 21 locations over 2 years. Tester: LH185 (02536), LH283 (04501), and LH185 (04502). The NIR check is B73.

12 GEM Presentation The End G ermplasm E nhancement of M aize

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