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Animals of the Deciduous Forest

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1 Animals of the Deciduous Forest
by Mrs. Mills

2 Characteristics of the Brown Bear
sleep in dens, but are not true hibernators; can be easily awakened have a life span of about 25 years grow up to 7 feet long and weigh up to lbs

3 Adaptations of the Brown Bear
have a large hump on their shoulders which as a mass of muscle to give more strength to their front legs for digging dens for shelter. has thick, coarse hair in winter to keep warm, but sheds some hair in summer grow up to 7 feet long and weigh up to lbs

4 Adaptations of the Bald Eagle
Can see 4 to 8 times better and further than humans which helps it to hunt Has little bumps on the bottom of its feet which help it to hold on to fish during flight

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