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Firewalls Group 11Group 12 Bryan Chapman Richard Dillard Rohan Bansal Huang Chen Peijie Shen.

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Presentation on theme: "Firewalls Group 11Group 12 Bryan Chapman Richard Dillard Rohan Bansal Huang Chen Peijie Shen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Firewalls Group 11Group 12 Bryan Chapman Richard Dillard Rohan Bansal Huang Chen Peijie Shen

2 Overview “ A firewall is a hardware or software solution to enforce security policies. In the physical security analogy, a firewall is equivalent to a door lock on a perimeter door or on a door to a room inside of the building - it permits only authorized users such as those with a key or access card to enter. A firewall has built-in filters that can disallow unauthorized or potentially dangerous material from entering the system. It also logs attempted intrusions “ Ref:

3 Topics Covered Iptables SSH Bouncing Reverse WWW Shell Windows RealSecure Windows ICF (Built-In Firewall) Cisco PIX 515E

4 Firewall Basics Packet Filtering Proxy Service Stateful Inspection

5 Iptables Stateful and stateless packet filtering Network address and port translation Packet manipulation Iptables inspects every packet through the network and compares the packet properties with predefined rules to determine whether the packet is allowed to pass or is dropped

6 Iptables Overview

7 Iptables Functions Jump Specify Protocol Specify Interface Specify Source/Destination State Matching Limiting NAT Forwarding Masquerading

8 Iptables cont’d With Firewall turn on, ports are filtered according to a defined set of rules  iptables –P INPUT DROP ICMP ping floods  Iptables –A INPUT –p icmp –icmp –type echo-request –m limit –limit 30/minute – limit-burst 1 –j ACCEPT Forwarding Packet  Iptables –A FORWARD –i vmnet –o vmnet –m state –state ESTABLISHED,RELATED –j ACCEPT

9 Iptables cont’d Log telnet packets  Iptables –A INPUT –d –p tcp – dport 23 –j LOG –log-prefix ‘TELNET ATTEMPT’  /var/log/messages Ex. Feb 24 05:06:40 Firewall kernel: Telnet Attempt

10 SSH Bouncing using Netcat Uses netcat for proxy Allows direct connection between a computer outside of a firewall and any machine that runs an SSH server behind the firewall

11 Reverse WWW shell Fakes HTTP traffic Connection does not show up using the netstat command Difficult to identify traffic

12 Windows RealSecure Personal firewall by Internet Security Systems Allows security policies to be centrally controlled and updated Run NMAP to test the security of the default configuration – wasn’t good enough Manually hardened to block ICMP ping and one opened port

13 Windows Built-In Firewall Similar to RealSecure but simpler and less configurable Ran NMAP test again With firewall turned on it does the job of blocking potential attacks Does not filter outbound traffic

14 Summary on Windows Firewalls RealSecure Firewall is a great tool, but not necessarily a perfect tool Default firewall settings are not secure enough Always customize your firewall for your custom fit

15 Cisco PIX 515E (Private Internet EXchange) Network Layer Firewall Stateful Inspection only allows inbound traffic that is a response to a valid request or is allowed by an ACL (Access Control List) or a conduit

16 Cisco PIX 515E  Permit no access from the Outside to the Inside.  Permit limited access from the Outside to the DMZ  Permit all access from the Inside to the Outside.  Permit limited access from the Inside to the DMZ.  Security Levels

17 Cisco PIX 515E


19 fin Wikipedia was heavily used in the creation of this presentation

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