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Happy St Nicholas Day!. St Nicholas helps children…

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Presentation on theme: "Happy St Nicholas Day!. St Nicholas helps children…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy St Nicholas Day!

2 St Nicholas helps children…

3 He gives presents if the children obey their parents and teachers

4 In Great Britain children prepare stockings for presents and they usually receive sweets and chocolate.

5 Let´s do the crossword 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

6 1.Who is in the picture? 2.How is he dressed? 3.Can you find these things in the picture?  a ball  a car  a sleigh  a house  a doll  books  presents  a train  a teddy bear  snowflakes              Do you like Christmas? 8 3 4  2 1 5 610 9 7  5 8 3 7 1 9 6 4 2

7 1. This word starts with a "W." It is the season of the year in which Christmas is celebrated. What is it called? WINTER

8 2. This word starts with an "H." It is the word for a time to celebrate. Christmas is one of these. What is it? HOLIDAY

9 3. This word starts with an "S." It is a fluffy white form of water that sometimes falls in cold parts of the world during winter. What is it called? SNOW

10 4. This word starts with a "P." Christmas is a time for giving. This is another word for a gift. What is this other word? PRESENTS

11 5. This word starts with a "T." This is a symbol of Christmas. Some people put one of these in their house and decorate it with ornaments, lights and angels. What is it? TREE

12 6. This word starts with an "N." This cold, far-away are is where Santa lives. What is it called? NORTH POLE

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