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South Florida Enterprise and Strategy Architects Special Interest Group (SF ESA SIG) June 19, 2007 Lawrence Port Otive LLC

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1 South Florida Enterprise and Strategy Architects Special Interest Group (SF ESA SIG) June 19, 2007 Lawrence Port Otive LLC

2 What is Continuous Integration? “Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible.” –Martin Fowler

3 An XP technique Pair programming Planning Game Test Driven Development Whole team Continuous Integration Design Improvement Small Releases Coding Standards Collective Code Ownership Simple Design System Metaphor Sustainable Pace

4 Continuous Integration Scenario 1. Developer checks out latest source code from repository. 2. Developer makes changes (hopefully with TDD). 3. Developer checks out latest source again to look for conflicts. 4. With conflicts resolved, developer checks in changes to repository. 5. CI system, detecting changes, checks out source code on an integration server. 6. CI system builds. 7. CI system runs automated tests. Demo: Alice

5 Is CI just another unpracticed trend? Who in the room does CI? Nant and CruiseControl.Net widely used.

6 Nant Overview Targets contain Tasks (think functions) Tasks perform actions Targets may have dependencies Properties are variables Demo: basic file usage

7 Important Nant Tasks Nunit Copy Mkdir, rmdir Foreach Zip, tar Functions exist as well Also: ability to pass in parameters at command line Show: Nant documentation

8 CruiseControl.Net Overview Suite of apps for Continuous Integration: CCNet Server CCNet Web Dashboard CCNet Tray Allows reporting via XSL. Demo: Start server, show web dash

9 General CC.Net Flow ccnet.exe nant nunit fitnesse coverage fxcop xml result merge xsl Source control

10 Important CCNet Config Elements Source Control Tasks Publishers Triggers Nant Merge Email Demo: ccnet.config

11 More In-depth CI Working with Databases Distributed build scenarios Custom Nant tasks Custom CruiseControl.Net elements Demo: dashboard.config, ccnet.exe.config, javascriptlocalizer,

12 References CruiseControl.Net: Nant: Original CI article:

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