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Eurographics 2012, Cagliari, Italy Template for EG2012 presentations CRS4 EG2012 Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Eurographics 2012, Cagliari, Italy Template for EG2012 presentations CRS4 EG2012 Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eurographics 2012, Cagliari, Italy Template for EG2012 presentations CRS4 EG2012 Team

2 Eurographics 2012, Cagliari, Italy Title of slide here: Verdana Bold Shadowed 32 pt This font is Verdana This text is 24 pt All slides in this document are designed for projection onto screens with aspect ratio 4:3 Longer bullets in the form of a paragraph are harder to read if there is insufficient line spacing – dont use them if possible This is the maximum recommended number of lines per slide (12, including sub-bullets) –Sub-bullets look like this –And this 2

3 Eurographics 2012, Cagliari, Italy Keep titles short… Slide text should be compact, too –This slide uses a layout with one text and one picture 3

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