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Welcome to Year 5 Curriculum Information Morning.

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1 Welcome to Year 5 Curriculum Information Morning

2 Staff in Year 5 Mrs Pilkington Mrs Langford-Jackson in Class 5L-J Staff your children may work with: Mrs Salter, Mrs Powers, Mrs Kelleher, Mrs Stewart, Mrs Mangan, Ms Iesi, Mrs T, Mrs Luri, Mr Kavanagh

3 This morning, we hope to give you a brief overview of the subjects and skills that will be covered throughout the year. We would like to create a partnership so that you can help your child make the most progress possible.

4 Areas of Learning RE English Maths Subjects that will be taught as part of our learning challenge topic. Science Geography and History (Topic) PE Music PSHE Computing Art and D & T

5 Reading In Year 5 children will – Revise and further their understanding of a range of fiction and non-fiction texts Read for pleasure and information. They will be given opportunities to report on what they have read – giving their own opinion. Listen to, read and analyse stories, songs, rhymes and poems Several times a week, the class teacher will read aloud to the class. We will be introducing author of the month! All children must read at least three times per week and make a record of this. Adults need to make a record of this once per week.

6 Writing Our whole school focus this year! In Year 5 children will – Revise and further their understanding of writing in a particular genre Increase their understanding and ability to use VCOP Write for different purposes and audiences. Big Write will continue to be a focus across the whole of the school. All children must develop further their stamina in writing and the quality of writing produced. Talk for Writing will be used to support this. Please continue to support your child in learning spellings, improving their handwriting and writing at length for a purpose.

7 Maths Some areas of learning in Year 5: Increase understanding of place value including decimals Using a range of strategies for adding, subtracting, multiplication and division Using and applying the 4 rules of number to problem solving Confidently name, describe and make 2d and 3d shapes Use a range of measures accurately. Oracy NUMBERTIME.

8 Presentation Expectations All children have a copy of the presentation expectations stuck into their Mathematics and English books. We will be monitoring their work to ensure that all children work neatly. Hopefully when you view their books, you will notice lots of effort being put into presentation!

9 R.E. Some areas of learning: Creation The Commandments Inspirational People Reconciliation Life in the Risen Lord People of other Faiths

10 Learning Challenge Curriculum This will be topic questions that are based around Science, History and Geography, eg. Can you feel the force? These are cross curricular topics and will also incorporate aspects of maths, English, RE, PSHE, computing, art and DT These topics are in line with the expectations of the New National Curriculum.

11 Homework Maths, English and Spellings homework will be given out on Friday. Homework must be brought back to school completed by Tuesday of the following week. Weekly spelling tests will be on a Friday.Reading Please encourage your child to read at least 3 times per weekPlease encourage your child to read at least 3 times per week Ensure that they keep a record of what they have read in their Reading Journal or reading record. One or the other must be filled in three times per week including at least one comment per week from an adult.Ensure that they keep a record of what they have read in their Reading Journal or reading record. One or the other must be filled in three times per week including at least one comment per week from an adult. We may also give occasional Learning Challenge homework.

12 PE Information PE kits must be brought to school on Monday and taken home for washing on Friday Outdoor PE: jogging bottoms after half term when it gets a little colder for outdoor PE. Trainers for outdoor PE only Indoor PE: Plimsolls or bare feet are acceptable. No trainers Girls: socks not tights for PE Please NAME all school uniform

13 Trips Trips that will need to be paid for: Science Museum –Thursday 19 November (£15- letter to follow shortly) We are going to Beckenham cinema on Thursday 12 November (free trip) Imperial War Museum- This will be in the summer term and will be a small cost Other opportunities may arise throughout the year, however we are aware that the planned trips are expensive so we will try to keep costs to a minimum or free of charge if possible.

14 Any Questions?

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