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Opening Slide Jacobs School MAS Programs Teaching and Payments.

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1 Opening Slide Jacobs School MAS Programs Teaching and Payments

2 What is an MAS Program? MAS = Masters of Advanced Study “a post-graduate professional degree issued by numerous academic institutions, but most notably by the University of California. M.A.S. programs tend to "concentrate on a set of coordinated coursework with culminating projects or papers rather than emphasizing student research" and frequently are structured as interdisciplinary offerings” – From wikipedia Characteristics: Self-supporting (meaning tuition/fees cover costs of program) Professional Degree Program No AP Staff assigned Unique challenges to salary and appointments

3 Jacobs School MAS Programs Currently there are four approved MAS programs in the Jacobs School: Architecture Based Enterprise Systems Engineering (AESE) Joint with Rady School of Mgmt and CSE Medical Device Engineering (MDE) Joint between BENG and MAE Wireless Embedded Systems (WES) Joint between CSE and ECE Data Science and Engineering (DSE) Joint between CSE and SDSC

4 How Does this Impact You? Minimally now Requests for appointments are funneled through responsible departments AESE=CSE MDE=MAE WES=ECE DSE=CSE Education Mission is Expanding (will discuss later in presentation) You should understand what the programs are, how and why people are compensated.

5 Who are our educators? Largely current faculty and industry professionals Challenge: How do we provide compensation that will attract top industry professionals while still working within the policies at UCSD?

6 Who can teach in an MAS Program? In general, anyone with an approved instructional title may teach in an MAS program Senate Rule 750 requires that any individual with "substantial responsibility" for a Senate approved course must have an instructional title. Tenure-track and Tenured Professors L(P)SOEs/Salaried Adjunct Professors/Professor of Practice Lecturers (Unit 18) Non-Salaried Adjunct Professors Visiting Professors Recalled Professors Intercampus instructional appointments Question: Can MAS programs have “guest lecturers” or “independent contractors paid honorarium or lecturer fees via marketplace?”

7 Assistant, Associate or Full Professor Paid either as part of their regular teaching assignment as on load Onload = Part of the normal salary, department is reimbursed. Or as “overload” if the total workload credit has been achieved. Overload = additional income for the faculty member and must follow certain guidelines. *Non-Salaried Adjunct Professors excluded

8 Assistant, Associate or Full Professor Overload University Policy: Jacobs School Policy: Most department workloads are between 3 ½ and 4 courses per academic year. Must fulfill workload standard even if on an approved leave or ASMD. In the Jacobs School, overload is calculated as the lower of 1.5 ninth or $16,000 per course. Faculty may not receive payment for more than two overload courses per academic year. Counts towards outside professional activities reporting. *Non-Salaried Adjunct Professors excluded

9 L(P)SOE/Salaried Adjunct/Prof of Practice Paid on-load only with reimbursement being routed to Department.


11 Unit 18 Contract “The title Lecturer, whether used as an only title or as an additional title, shall be assigned to a professionally qualified appointee not under consideration for appointment in the Professorial series (in contrast to the usual expectation of Acting Appointees) whose services are contracted for certain teaching duties.”

12 Who is appropriate for the Unit 18 Title? Individuals: Without current faculty appointments at UCSD Teaching or co-teaching a course and have “substantial responsibility.” Have a Master's degree or higher. Either from industry or outside the University Or have a current non-faculty appointment at UCSD and fulfill the minimum requirement of the series.

13 However… The top of the salary scale for Lecturers does not allow us to pay the “going rate” of 16K per course (or 1K per Lecturer hour). The max is $15,209.04 ($138,264/9) * 3 * 33% = $15,209.04 Solution: The 16K “going rate” is intended for overload payment to tenure and tenure- track faculty. It is not intended to set a going rate for a course. Departments must negotiate within our means when hiring outside lecturers.

14 Who is appropriate for Lecturer/Misc Individuals: Cannot have full responsibility for a course Are teaching for more than two weeks in a quarter, but less than a full quarter. (Typically between 4 and 12 total hours) Do not hold a title with the University Brought to the University for their expertise in a given subject Paid by agreement" (BYA) salary. These should be done rarely and should be done after consultation with Dean's Office Staff.

15 Non-Salaried Adjunct Professors Appropriate when an individual provides research, teaching, and service in a department on a voluntary basis and the MAS program wishes to temporarily place him or her on pay status Must first establish rank/step to determine base pay Paid 9 over 12 Payment is determined by percentage. Standard percentage in this series is 50% but may negotiate lower percentage not to go below 33% Form is located here: s/salary_status_adj_prof.sfe s/salary_status_adj_prof.sfe


17 Visiting Professor Appropriate for: Individuals appointed temporarily to perform the duties of the title to which the prefix is attached. It may be assigned to an established scholar with a permanent position at another university, college, or public or private research laboratory. Must be appointed in a department Must have both research and teaching responsibilities. A course is worth 50% Base salary should closely match home institution.

18 Recalled Professor Appropriate for individuals retired from the UC System. Recalls can be made on a “by agreement” basis, but may not exceed 43% of the recalled individual’s base salary (either within any given month or over the course of a year).

19 Intercampus Payments Appropriate for: Individuals with faculty titles at other UC campuses who will teach here. Salary is based on home institution Be aware of cases with summer salary being paid (speak with Dean’s Office)

20 Guest Lecturer Fees/Honoraria Appropriate for individuals: Who will participated in the instructional program for a short period of time (two weeks or less in a quarter) Do not have full or partial responsibility for a course. Are experts in a specific topic. Are being paid $250 or less per day. Not typically appropriate for the MAS program.

21 Plans for the future Administrative Best Practices: Online requests initiated by the MAS Program Routed to the appropriate department Eventually hope to put this into a formal “request a lecturer” online based process. Create a documented record of when requests are made and require all pertinent info to be collected, as well as approvals from all necessary individuals. New Educational Programs beyond MAS

22 Questions ?

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