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Training Clinicians in Motivational Interviewing Using Tele- Conferencing Technology Bruce Goldman and Kenneth Carpenter.

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1 Training Clinicians in Motivational Interviewing Using Tele- Conferencing Technology Bruce Goldman and Kenneth Carpenter

2 Training Clinicians in Motivational Interviewing Using Tele- Conferencing Technology Principal Investigator: E.V. Nunes, M.D. Project Director: Jennifer L. Smith, Ph.D. Carpenter, K.M., Brooks A., Amrhein, P., Levin, D., Schreiber, E.A., Travaglini, L.A.

3 Overview Disseminating new treatment techniques into community based practices remains a significant challenge. Traditional dissemination techniques include: – Distribution of printed materials – Didactic interactions: conferences, lectures, and workshops

4 Didactic Dissemination Outcome of Didactic Strategies: – BEST: increase knowledge and produce short term shifts in counseling behaviors. – WORST: have no effect on counselor behavior but strengthen an individual’s belief that they are proficient in the use of an intervention strategy.

5 Enhancement Strategies Sustained development of new counseling skills is more likely to be accomplished with: – Practice opportunities in a context that best approximates actual clinical encounters. – Post-instruction supervision. – The provision of direct feedback and coaching.

6 Study Aims Develop and test the efficacy of a post- instruction supervisory method that includes: – Training in a clinician’s clinical context – The provision of real time feedback and coaching – The use of standard communication technology (Telephone).

7 Participants Recruited from 26 community treatment programs 100 Counselors (94 completed training: MMTP n=50; Drug free outpatient n=32; Residential n=12). The focus of the training was on developing Motivational Interviewing counseling skills

8 Design Training FU1 FU2 Workshop 5 Tele-Conference Sessions 5 Taped-Based Sessions No Supervision Week 1-2Weeks 3 to 7Week 8Week 20 Pre- WksPost- Wks PatientsActorsPatients

9 Target Behaviors MI Spirit MI Empathy Percentage of Open Questions Percentage of Complex Reflections Reflection to Question Ratio MI Non-adherent behaviors

10 *TCS demonstrated better performance

11 Conclusion TCS demonstrated better performance on measures of: – MI Spirit – MI Empathy – Lower MI non-adherent behavior (compared to workshop only). – Tape supervision demonstrated a trend for better performance on complex reflections.

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