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Slope, using proportions, and rate of change Mr. Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Slope, using proportions, and rate of change Mr. Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slope, using proportions, and rate of change Mr. Smith

2 Use given information to find the rate of change Went from 11.3 to 12.4from 1990 to 1994 Solve for the missing coordinate when given the slope Find the slope of a line given 2 points (2, -1) (5, -3) BY THE END OF THIS SLOPE LESSON YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO SOLVE THE FOLLOWING LEVELS OF PROBLEMS THAT YOU WILL BE ASSESSED ON:

3 What is slope? Slope is the Steepness of a line. In this section it can be found by using 2 given points that lie on the line. Slope can be positive, negative, zero (y value repeats, horizontal), or undefined (x value repeats, vertical) The steeper the slope, whether positive or negative, the greater the slope. Slope is constant, it is always the same, like a rate of change (miles per hour or millions per year).



6 1. (2, -1), (5, -3) Pause and try


8 Finding the missing values when given slope Use proportions to find missing values Use distributive property to make an equation that uses 2 or 3 steps to solve

9 You can use cross products to solve for a missing coordinate

10 Solve for r


12 Find the rate of change Use the given information as points. Units (years, minutes, etc.) are the x, and the totals are the y. The rate of change is also the slope.

13 Find the rate of change From 1990 to 1994 public school enrollment went from 11.3 to 12.5 million students. What was the rate of change?

14 Find the rate of change

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