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W omen Mentoring W omen Mentoring W omen By Linda Mei Koh By Linda Mei Koh General Conference Women’s Ministries Leadership Level 4 General Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "W omen Mentoring W omen Mentoring W omen By Linda Mei Koh By Linda Mei Koh General Conference Women’s Ministries Leadership Level 4 General Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 W omen Mentoring W omen Mentoring W omen By Linda Mei Koh By Linda Mei Koh General Conference Women’s Ministries Leadership Level 4 General Conference Women’s Ministries Leadership Level 4

2 “Give instruction to the wise, and they will become wiser still; teach the righteous, and they will gain in learning.” Proverbs 9:9

3 A Trusted Counselor or Guide A Brain to pick, a shoulder to cry on, a push in the right direction A Dynamic Relationship of Trust in which one person enables another to maximize the grace of God in his/her life and service Definition of Mentoring

4 Mentoring is a cooperative and nurturing relationship between a more experienced person and a less experienced one. The mentor provides support, encouragement, and advice to another, based on his/her knowledge, life and experiences. This two-way learning experience for both mentor and mentee encourages deep satisfaction and numerous benefits in many personal, career, organizational, and spiritual areas. What is MENTORING?

5 Jesus mentored 12 disciples Paul mentored Timothy Naomi mentored Ruth Mentoring in the BIBLE


7 Galbraith & Cohen found that mentoring provides individuals with opportunities to enhance cultural awareness, aesthetic appreciation, potential to lead meaningful lives, and spiritual growth. Feiman-Nemser found that mentoring can help teachers develop tools for continuous improvement and reform. Research in MENTORING

8 A greater likelihood of completing high school, attending college, and working at least 10 hours per week. A decreased likelihood of being in a gang and having physically hurt someone in a fight in the past year. The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health found that having a mentor for teens was associated with:

9 The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (cont…) Higher levels of self-esteem and life satisfaction. A higher degree of physical activity, as well as regular use of birth control. The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (cont…)

10 Why do Women Need MENTORING? Women benefit greatly by having someone with experience and expertise to teach them. Women face barriers that prevent them from learning the skills of leadership. Why do Women Need MENTORING?

11 1.Formal Mentoring 2.Informal Mentoring 3.Small Group Mentoring 4.Professional Mentoring Types of MENTORING

12 1.Mentors Help with Skill and Career Advancement 2.Mentors Assist with Spiritual & Psychosocial Development 3.Mentors Assist in Maintaining And Enhancing Mentees’ of Quality of Life Purposes of MENTORING

13 1.Ask Yourself What it is You Want from a Mentoring Relationship 2.Reflect on a Mentor from Your Past 3.Be Assertive 4.Seek God’ Help Finding a MENTOR


15 1.Desires to Help/Inspire 2.Believe in the Value of a Person 3.Good Reputation for Developing Others 4.Devotes Time/Energy 5.Has Up-to-Date Knowledge 6.Has Positive Learning Attitude 7.Demonstrates Effective Mentoring Skills Characteristics of a Good MENTOR

16 8. Models a Healthy Life & Ministry 9. Has Gifts of Listening, Affirmation, Affection, Cheerfulness, Prayer Characteristics of a Good MENTOR


18 The Plan –Agree on time for meetings and activities –Mentee to list down expectations The Goals Establish clear goals as to what you want to accomplish as mentor and mentee The MENTORING Process

19 The Check Up Regular evaluation of how the relationship is going should be done Ask questions of mentee to see if the experience is positive The MENTORING Process

20 1. Obstacles Confronting a Mentee: A mentoring style style that does not meet mentee’s needs Insufficient time A hidden agenda An inappropriate attitude Obstacles in a MENTORING RELATIONSHIP

21 II. Obstacles Confronting aMentor: 1.Being accused of “holding on to the coat tails of another.” 2.One party overstepping professional boundaries, especially in cross-gender mentoring relationship. 3. Falling from favor with others who disapprove. Obstacles in a MENTORING RELATIONSHIP

22 “How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.” – George Washington Carver

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