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11 1. 22 2  Determine the objective of the presentation ◦ Purpose ◦ Define expected results ◦ Specify outcomes desired  “When the presentation is completed.

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Presentation on theme: "11 1. 22 2  Determine the objective of the presentation ◦ Purpose ◦ Define expected results ◦ Specify outcomes desired  “When the presentation is completed."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 1

2 22 2  Determine the objective of the presentation ◦ Purpose ◦ Define expected results ◦ Specify outcomes desired  “When the presentation is completed the audience will…”  Determine and analyze the audience, occasion and credibility. Do - ◦ Audience analysis ◦ Occasion analysis ◦ Speaker credibility

3 33 3  Organization of the presentation ◦ Clear definition of what you want to accomplish ◦ Determine, gather and group together your main points ◦ Arrange points in a logical order ◦ Prepare introduction and conclusion

4 44 4  Plan for presentation ◦ State main ideas the audience must receive ◦ Develop main points ◦ Find appropriate arguments to support your main points ◦ Check  Spelling, grammar, punctuation  Jargon  Fillers ◦ Visual aids ◦ Check timing

5 55 5  Delivery ◦ Dealing with nervousness  Natural voice  Use nervousness to your advantage ◦ Speaker’s notes ◦ Aspects of delivery  Eye contact  Handling of notes  Gestures  Posture  Movement  Vocal quality ◦ Practice, practice, practice ◦ Prepare for questions

6 66 6  Q/A period ◦ Restate question asked ◦ Clarify questions ◦ Answer questions directly, but keep in line with your presentation objectives

7 77 7  Who is the audience?  What background does the audience posses?  Any cultural concerns?  How does the status of the audience compare to the presenter?  What attitudes does the audience hold toward – ◦ The subject ◦ The speaker  What is the age/gender of the audience?

8 88 8  Do I have a choice in time of day?  Will there be interruptions?  Location  Room layout ◦ Front of room ◦ Can room be rearranged? ◦ Equipment type available?  Backup plan  Specialize presentation

9 99 9  What does the audience know about the presenter?  What can the presenter do to enhance their credibility?  Would clothing enhance credibility?  Would jargon/language enhance credibility?

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