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Standards Professional Practice DataCulture. The Story of Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Standards Professional Practice DataCulture. The Story of Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards Professional Practice DataCulture

2 The Story of Standards

3 NY CCLS 197019801990200020102020 Compact for Learning SCANS Report Regents Action Plan NYS Learning Standards CCSS Math Pre/post March A Nation At Risk

4 NY CCLS 2020

5 ELA/Literacy Mathematics

6 Six Shifts ELA/Literacy

7 PK-5: Balancing Informational & Literary Texts

8 6-12: Building Knowledge in the Disciplines

9 Staircase of Complexity

10 Text-based Answers

11 Writing from Sources

12 Academic Vocabulary

13 Six Shifts Mathematics

14 Focus

15 Coherence

16 Fluency

17 Deep Understanding

18 Applications

19 Dual Intensity

20 One “unit”

21 Each semester

22 Every teacher every subject every grade


24 Standards Professional Practice DataCulture

25 Data

26 It’s always been here…

27 Unit Tests Regents Unit Tests Conferences Quizzes State Tests Journals Logs Attendance Essay Checklists Rubrics Homework Notebook Performance Scores Report Cards Inventories Letters Anecdotal Reports Performance Pictures Interview Samples PET ITBS Posttest Terra Nova Pretest RCT

28 It’s not really the data

29 It is about what we do about data

30 Common Interim Assessments

31 make the test give the test analyze the work do something about it

32 every 6-8 weeks

33 Standards Professional Practice DataCulture


35 ProfessionalPractice

36 Common Language Cognitive Engagement 21C Readiness Constructivism Relevance Continuous Improvement


38 ProfessionalPractice

39 APPR 20% Student Growth 20% Student Achievement 60% Multiple Measures Growth over time Compared to Expected Growth Some Variables Considered

40 APPR 20% Student Growth 20% Student Achievement 60% Multiple Measures Moment in time Local or Purchased Some Variables Considered

41 APPR 60% Multiple Measures Knowledge of Students & Student Learning Knowledge of Content & Instructional Planning Instructional Practice Learning Environment Assessment for Student Learning Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration Professional Growth

42 APPR 20% Student Growth 20% Student Achievement 60% Multiple Measures Knowledge of Students & Student Learning Knowledge of Content & Instructional Planning Instructional Practice Learning Environment Assessment for Student Learning Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration Professional Growth Growth over time Compared to Expected Growth Some Variables Considered Moment in time Local or Purchased Some Variables Considered


44 Standards Professional Practice DataCulture

45 What should our schools be like?

46 Educators working collaboratively… taking collective responsibility for student learning.

47 Collaborative learning teams implementing a guaranteed and viable curriculum.

48 Collaborative learning teams monitoring student learning through ongoing common assessments.

49 Collaborative learning teams using assessment data and student work to make instructional decisions.

50 Where students find meaning in what they do.

51 Where students make decisions about what they learn and how they learn it.

52 Where the 4Cs are embedded in the 3Rs.

53 Where its about the student's future rather than the adults’ past.

54 That’s what our schools should be like!

55 Standards Professional Practice DataCulture

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