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Start Playing Jeopardy Final Jeopardy VocabularyGeographyPeople 100 200 400 300 400 500 ReligionsImportant Events.

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2 Start Playing Jeopardy

3 Final Jeopardy VocabularyGeographyPeople 100 200 400 300 400 500 ReligionsImportant Events

4 Vocabulary 100 Answer A self-sufficient social, political and economic system that exchanges land for protection. Japan and Europe

5 Vocabulary 100 Feudalism

6 Answer Vocabulary 200 The blending of cultures that often results from trade and war.

7 Vocabulary 200 Cultural Diffusion

8 Vocabulary 300 A people’s unique way of life. Includes such ideas as religion, art, food, and dress. Answer

9 Vocabulary 300 Culture

10 Vocabulary 400 The culture that results from Alexander the Great’s conquest of Greece, Egypt and Persia. Answer

11 Vocabulary 400 Hellenistic Culture

12 Vocabulary 500 A split in the Christian Church that results in Eastern Orthodoxy and Catholicism. 1054. Answer

13 Vocabulary 500 Schism

14 Fertile Crescent Law Code “Eye for an eye.” People 100 Answer

15 People 100 Hammurabi

16 People 200 Chinese Philosopher Filial Piety 5 Relationships Answer

17 People 200 Confucius says that he is the answer.

18 People 300 2 Mongolian Leaders Grandfather creates largest land empire in world history. Grandson conquers China and creates the Yuan Dynasty. Answer

19 People 300 Genghis Khan Kublai Khan

20 People 400 African leader Muslim Gold-Salt Trade Answer

21 People 400 Mansa Musa

22 People 500 French Absolute Monarch Versailles “I am the state.” Answer

23 People 500 Louis XIV

24 Geography 100 Answer Name a specific geographic factor that has isolated a civilization

25 Geography 100 Answers may vary: Himalayas, Atlantic Ocean, Andes Mountains, Sahara Desert

26 Geography 200 Name a specific trade route that contributed to cultural diffusion between civilizations. Answer

27 Geography 200 Answers may vary: Gold-Salt Trade Silk Road Columbian Exchange Hanseatic Trade

28 Geography 300 Mountains in Greece divided it into this form of political organization. Answer

29 Geography 300 City States

30 Geography 400 Japan was closest to this peninsula which acted as a bridge to Asia. Answer

31 Geography 400 Korea

32 Geography 500 Early Americans are famous for adapting to their environment…give an example from the Inca Answer

33 Geography 500 Answers may vary: Roads, terrace farming, new crops, diverting rivers, canals

34 Religions 100 The Hindu and Buddhist belief in rebirth of the soul is called ________________. Answer

35 Relgions 100 Reincarnation

36 Relgions 200 Explain why Mecca is important to Muslims and how they celebrate its significance in one of their 5 Pillars. Answer

37 Religions 200 It’s Muhammad’s birthplace. They make a hajj to Mecca. They pray towards Mecca.

38 Religions 300 “Thou shall not” forget these rules of the monotheistic faiths. Answer

39 Religions 300 Ten Commandments

40 Religions 400 Explain a shared idea between animism and Shintoism. Answer

41 Religions 400 They both worship nature. (ancestors in most cases too)

42 Religions 500 In China, these two religions couldn’t be more different. One asks people to retreat from society. The other demands people obey strict rules and punishments. Name both. Answer

43 Religions 500 Daoism Legalism

44 Important Events 100 Explain two outcomes of the year 1492. Answer

45 Important Events 100 (Answers may vary) Slave trade, Columbian Exchange, Small Pox Genocide, Encomienda System, Colonies in America, Mercantilism

46 Important Events 200 Martin Luther 95 Theses Printing Press 16 th Century Europe Answer

47 Important Events 200 Protestant Reformation

48 Daily DoubleDouble Important Events 300- Daily Double

49 Important Events 400 Discovery of farming and the domestication of animals. 8000 BCE Answer

50 Important Events 400 Neolithic Revolution

51 Important Events 500 What medieval European social, economic, and political system developed as a result of the Fall of the Roman Empire? Answer

52 Important Events 500 Feudalism

53 Final Jeopardy Put these events in the proper order: Fall of the Incas Development of Islam Golden Age of Greece European Exploration Neolithic Revolution Answer Final Jeopardy Music

54 Answer Final Jeopardy Put these events in the proper order: Neolithic Revolution Golden Age of Greece Development of Islam European Exploration Fall of the Incas

55 Daily Double Explain how the Gold-Salt trade affected Western Africa. Answer

56 Answer Daily Double Islam brings literacy, government, Standard language (Arabic) architectural structure

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