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The Articles Let’s Have a Convention 8.16d Feds and Anti-Feds I Have a Right! I am a Citizen 100 200 300 400 500 Main page (home)

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Presentation on theme: "The Articles Let’s Have a Convention 8.16d Feds and Anti-Feds I Have a Right! I am a Citizen 100 200 300 400 500 Main page (home)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Articles Let’s Have a Convention 8.16d Feds and Anti-Feds I Have a Right! I am a Citizen 100 200 300 400 500 Main page (home)

2 The Articles - 100 Points Under the Articles why was the central government weak?

3 The Articles - 100 Points Answer No president to carry out the laws and no courts to settle disputes.

4 The Articles - 200 Points Under the Articles why did the government not have any money?

5 The Articles - 200 Points Answer Congress could not levy (pass) taxes

6 The Articles - 300 Points What ordinance set up the process of how a territory becomes a state and was the strongest part of the Articles?

7 The Articles - 300 Points Answer The Northwest Ordinance

8 The Articles - 400 Points Under the Articles what were states quarreling over?

9 The Articles - 400 Points Answer Western lands and boundaries.

10 The Articles - 500 Points In what two ways were other countries not showing respect to the U.S. under the Articles of Confederation?

11 The Articles - 500 Points Answer Great Britain refused to remove their troops and Spain closes the Port of New Orleans.

12 Let’s Have a Convention! 100 Points The Constitutional Convention was held in what year?

13 Let’s Have a Convention! 100 Points Answer 1787

14 Let’s Have a Convention! 200 Points What were the two major plans proposed for representation in Congress called?

15 Let’s Have a Convention! 200 Points Answer The New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan

16 Let’s Have a Convention! 300 Points The Great Compromise allowed a two- house Congress. The number of Representatives a state could have was based on __________ while each state was allowed ____ Senators.

17 Let’s Have a Convention! 300 Points Answer Population: 2 Senators

18 Let’s Have a Convention! 400 Points What compromise dealt with counting the slave population for House representation?

19 Let’s Have a Convention! 400 Points Answer The 3/5ths Compromise

20 Let’s Have a Convention! 500 Points Who led the Constitutional Convention?

21 Let’s Have a Convention! 500 Points Answer George Washington

22 8.16d - 100 Points Which principle of the Constitution says that everyone, including all authority figures, must obey the laws.

23 8.16d - 100 Points Answer Limited Government

24 8.16d - 200 Points ___________ is the distribution of power between a federal government and the states within a union.

25 8.16d - 200 Points Answer Federalism

26 8.16d - 300 Points The U.S. Constitution authorizes each branch of government to share its powers with the other branches. This allows one branch to limit another branch of government.

27 8.16d - 300 Points Answer Checks and Balances

28 8.16d - 400 Points Political power rests with the people who can create, alter, and abolish government is an example of which principle of the Constitution?

29 8.16d - 400 Points Answer Popular Sovereignty

30 8.16d - 500 Points Congress makes the laws, the President enforces the laws and the Supreme Court interprets the laws. This is an example of which principle of the Constitution?

31 8.16d - 500 Points Answer Separation of Powers

32 Feds and Anti-Feds 100 Points What did the Constitution not have that made the Anti-Federalists not like the Constitution?

33 Feds and Anti-Feds 100 Points Answer A Bill of Rights

34 Feds and Anti-Feds 200 Points These publications were written by three Federalists to help gain support for the Constitution.

35 Feds and Anti-Feds 200 Points Answer The Federalist Papers

36 Feds and Anti-Feds 300 Points Who led the Anti-Federalist party?

37 Feds and Anti-Feds 300 Points Answer Thomas Jefferson

38 Feds and Anti-Feds 400 Points Name the leader of the Federalist party?

39 Feds and Anti-Feds 400 Points Name one of the major Federalist leaders.

40 Feds and Anti-Feds 500 Points Answer Alexander Hamilton

41 Feds and Anti-Feds 500 Points Name a leading figure of the Anti- Federalists.

42 I Have a Right! - 100 Points Which freedom specifically protects the media? (newspapers/radio/television)

43 I Have a Right! - 100 Points Answer 1 st Amendment

44 I Have a Right! - 200 Points Which amendments gives us due process of law?

45 I Have a Right! - 200 Points Answer 5 th, 6 th & 7th

46 I Have a Right! - 300 Points Which amendment protects us from cruel and unusual punishment?

47 I Have a Right! - 300 Points Answer 8 th Amendment

48 I Have a Right! - 400 Points Which amendment gives the people all rights not specifically written in the Constitution?

49 I Have a Right! - 400 Points Answer 9 th Amendment

50 I Have a Right! - 500 Points Which amendment gives you the right to a speedy trial?

51 I Have a Right! - 500 Points Answer 6 th Amendment

52 I am a Citizen - 100 Points Who was known as the Great Compromiser for helping write the Compromise of 1850 and the Missouri Compromise? He was also a War Hawk?

53 I am a Citizen - 100 Points Answer Henry Clay

54 I am a Citizen - 200 Points Who was the first African American man to serve in Congress?

55 I am a Citizen - 200 Points Answer Hiram Rhodes Revels

56 I am a Citizen - 300 Points Who wrote the Great Compromise that set up our government?

57 I am a Citizen - 300 Points Answer George Mason

58 I am a Citizen - 400 Points What woman wrote plays about freedom and Independence during the American Revolution?

59 I am a Citizen - 400 Points Answer Mercy Otis Warren

60 I am a Citizen - 500 Points How long is a president’s term in office?

61 I am a Citizen - 500 Points Answer 4 years

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