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By: Abigail Noldy, Casey Leed, Mitchell Reilly, and Mollie Robinson LAWS/GOVERNING RULES OF PEACETOPIA.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Abigail Noldy, Casey Leed, Mitchell Reilly, and Mollie Robinson LAWS/GOVERNING RULES OF PEACETOPIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Abigail Noldy, Casey Leed, Mitchell Reilly, and Mollie Robinson LAWS/GOVERNING RULES OF PEACETOPIA

2  The name of our society, Peacetopia, expresses our main goal, which is to keep peace throughout the society. Any conflict will interfere with our calm environment. A peaceful community is a happy community. Conflict results in unhappiness and distress. Without conflict, the world is a better place where everyone can get along. 1. CONFLICT IS NOT ALLOWED.

3 2. NO USE OF PROFANE LANGUAGE When you swear, you offend people. One of Peacetopia’s main goals is to keep people happy and calm. Swearing can lead to a fight which can injure others. We care about everyone’s self esteem and do not want to bring it down. It is very disrespectful to swear. Peacetopia is a very respectable community where we treat each other nicely.

4  Bullying and harassment are not tolerated in Peacetopia. We are compassionate for all of our members and understand the dangers of bullying and harassment. When someone gets bullied, they may get knocked down and pushed around but Peacetopia is like a family and we will stand up for our members and punish the bully. We will not let anyone in our community be harassed or bullied, so be courteous and gracious to others. 3.NO BULLYING AND HARASSMENT

5  Our community is honest, loyal, and reliable. We do not allow stealing and theft to take place within the community. If something is not yours, do not touch it without permission from whoever the object belongs to. Jealousy is not a valid reason to steal. Be thankful that you have what you got because you could have a lot less. 4.NO THEFT

6  Our community would like to address how bad alcohol and drugs are for your body. About 75,000 people die each year from drugs and alcohol consumption. Alcohol and drugs are very harmful to your body and can be towards others. If you drink alcohol while driving, the situation can lead to a car crash in which the other person will most likely be injured. Therefore, drugs and alcohol are not permitted on Peacetopian premises. 5. NO ALCOHOL OR DRUGS (EXCEPT FOR MEDICAL USES)

7  Education is very important to our community. It is necessary for a promising future and to make sure you know the basics of life. Also, going to college or a trade school will help you go on the path that you want to for your future. Intelligence improves a person mentally and physically. Education gives us that intelligence to improve ourselves and our society. Therefore, to better our community, education is a necessity. 6. EVERYONE HAS TO GO TO SCHOOL

8  In our community, we would like to raise everyone up correctly, staying within the community to learn our ways and abide by our laws. The community offers you protection and shelter and guarantees peace. Throughout your childhood in the community, you will be treated with respect and completely equipped and set with enough knowledge and experience. If you By staying in the community until age 18, you will be fully ready and prepared for your future life. 7. ALL MEMBERS MUST STAY IN THE COMMUNITY UNTIL THE AGE OF 18

9 8. NO ANIMAL ABUSE (EXCEPTION TO THE MEAT INDUSTRY) The abuse of animals is prohibited within our community. If you intentionally kill an animal, you better eat it. Be a friend to animals with respect and kindness. Treat them how you want to be treated. You would not want to be tortured, so do not torture animals. If you are hunting, kill the animals you are hunting humanely.

10  Murder, of any kind, means that you get kicked out of the community forever. You will not be welcomed back and if you try to come back, you will be severely punished. We would like our community to keep going so we need people in order to fulfill this. Death will not help us accomplish anything, only make things worse. Keep Peacetopia full of life and happy. 9. NO KILLING PEOPLE

11  Peacetopia is a place where everyone is treated equally and with respect. No one is judged and discrimination is not allowed. We care about our members and would like to make sure that no one gets stereo-typed into being something they are not. Everyone is alike in many ways but differences vary. Do not judge someone unless you want to be judged by the community for your punishment. 10. NO JUDGMENT OF OTHERS

12  We are a democracy. Our community gets together every 2 years to vote on who we would like in government position. Our government leader positions are president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Each government official has a 2 limit 2 year term. This means that the candidates may only be elected for a position 2 times maximum and that each term is 2 years maximum. Everyone is allowed to vote, however, you must be 18 or older to vote. GOVERNMENT/VOTING

13  As people get older, it becomes harder to work. We put in place a retirement plan for every member in our community. Each week a little of your income is put into a private retirement fund/account. The retirement age is 65 and older. You may choose when you want to retire but still be at least 65. RETIREMENT

14  Everyone has a job no matter what disabilities you might have. Even if you are in a wheelchair, you are still capable of using your hands. You must get a job after you graduate from college or a trade school. As long as you have a job, you can guarantee that you will have an income. The more you work, the higher your income will be. It is your choice how much that you want to work. JOBS AND INCOME

15  Everyone is given health, fire, home owner’s, car and life insurance. If you work and have a job, you will be given insurance. If you do not have a job in the community, insurance will not be available to you unless you are under 18 or retired. We strive to keep all members insured but each member needs to do their part in the community. Furthermore, insurance is free as long as you work in the community. INSURANCE

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