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200 400 200 400 1000 600 800 1000 You and The Church Jeopardy In Memory of Me What’s my Title? One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic “C” you at the Start.

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2 200 400 200 400 1000 600 800 1000 You and The Church Jeopardy In Memory of Me What’s my Title? One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic “C” you at the Start Between the Lines

3 Return Each Mass begins with this What is the Gathering Song?

4 Return The prayer said just prior to communion What is the Lamb of God?

5 Return The number of readings at Mass What is Three? One from Old Testament One from Epistles One from the Gospel

6 Return The song during the Liturgy of the Word comes from this book of the Bible. What is the Book of Psalms?

7 Return When we proclaim our Profession of Faith. What is after the homily and before the general intercessions?

8 Return I am the Celebrant at Mass Who is the Priest?

9 Return I am the celebrant for your confirmation Who is the Bishop?

10 Return I co-celibrate at Mass, give sermons, baptize babies, but an not qualified to consecrate the Eucharist Who is the Deacon?

11 Return I am the successor to Saint Peter Who is the Pope?

12 Return There are not many of us, and we play a key role in the church leadership, ultimately electing the successor of the Pope Who is a Cardinal?

13 Return This means Universal. What is catholic? The church encompasses all cultures, all reaces, all languages, yet in spite of its diversity, it remains the same.

14 Return The people Christ sent out to continue his ministry. Who are the apostles? The Church is apostolic because she is founded on apostles.

15 Return The words “One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church” are stated in this prayer. What is Apostle or Nicene Creed?

16 Return They are successors to the Apostles. What are Bishops? The church teaches that “the bishops have by divine institution taken the place of the apostles as pastors of the Church.” ccc 862

17 Return This makes the Church Holy. What is the Love of Christ? Christ loved the Church as his Bride, giving himself up for her as to sactify her; he joined her to himself as his body and endowed her with the gift of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God.” ccc823

18 Return What is a Christian? A believer in Christ Jesus as the Son of God.

19 Return What is a Cross? What Jesus died upon as an offering for all our sins.

20 Daily Double

21 Return What is a Chasuble? Name of the ample robe worn by the Priest during liturgy.

22 Return What is a Chalice? Name of the cup the priest uses during the Eucharistic celebration.

23 Return What is the Church? ccc 823 The Holy People of God.

24 Return The color worn during Advent and Lent? What is deep Violet or Purple? The church’s color for mourning and penance.

25 Return The color worn during Ordinary time. What is Green? The color of vitality and life

26 Return The color of the candle lit on the 3 rd Sunday of Advent. What is Pink?

27 Return Color worn during the feast of the Passion, feast of Apostles and on Pentecost Sunday. What is Red? The color of fire (and blood)

28 Return Color worn during Season of Easter and Christmas and for other feasts and memorials to our Lord. What is White? White is the color of purity but also the color of Joy and Triumph

29 Return



32 Final Jeopardy

33 Catholic Faith

34 The central focus of Mass ThinkMusic

35 What is The Eucharist?


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