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Folk Literature 7 th Grade Literature Mrs. Peck Pg. IN10-IN11.

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1 Folk Literature 7 th Grade Literature Mrs. Peck Pg. IN10-IN11

2 Folk Literature Develops in every culture. Reflects history and beliefs of the people who create it. Usually part of an oral tradition (passed down through generations).

3 Stories explain important events in the history of the people or the natural world. Stories reflect cultural values and entertain. There are four types of folk literature.

4 Legend Story about the past believed to be based on real events or people. Sometimes nature is supernatural. Human characters are larger than life. Example – “Popocatepetl and Ixtlaccihuatl”

5 Folk Tale Story passed on by word of mouth through a culture to teach ideas and values. These lessons reflect the hopes and wisdom of the tellers and listeners. Examples – “The People Could Fly” and “All Stories are Anansi’s”

6 Myth Fictional tale that explains the actions of the gods, the interactions with gods and humans, or the causes of natural phenomena. Have little historical truth. Have supernatural elements Well-known myths come from Greece and Rome.

7 Examples – “Phaethon, Son of Apollo” and “Demeter and Persephone”

8 Fable Brief stories that teach a lesson (moral). Like cartoons (humorous, brief, simple). Often have talking animals to make a point about life. Examples – “The Fox and the Crow” and “The Lion and the Statue”.

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