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Jeanna Wilson Narrative Writing Unit READ 7140A. Grade Level: 1 st Genre: Personal Narrative Form: Story Content Area: Science Topic: Basic Needs of Animals.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeanna Wilson Narrative Writing Unit READ 7140A. Grade Level: 1 st Genre: Personal Narrative Form: Story Content Area: Science Topic: Basic Needs of Animals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeanna Wilson Narrative Writing Unit READ 7140A

2 Grade Level: 1 st Genre: Personal Narrative Form: Story Content Area: Science Topic: Basic Needs of Animals

3 Georgia Writing Test Grade 3 Four types of writing: Narrative, Informational, Persuasive, and Response to Literature Graded as Does Not Meet, Meets, and Exceeds Teacher Graded by Writing Assessment Scoring Rubric

4 Unit Prepares for Writing Assessment by: Practicing different genres Giving opportunities to go through the writing process Students are taught each stage in detail

5 Pre-assessment Prompt Directions: We will be writing a short paper telling a story of your favorite vacation or holiday. You will have 25 minutes to complete this activity. Materials: pencils, paper

6 Prewriting Instructional Grouping Options: 1)Instruction: whole group setting -directions, clarifications and questions -scaffolding 2) Practice: whole group -students’ feedback of retelling directions 3) Assessment: individual assignment -- -progress in strengths and weaknesses

7 Grouping Options based on Developmental Needs : Explanation of Grouping Options Relating to Students’ Developmental Needs -hear questions and answers from their fellow students -allows student to interact with one another -zone of proximal development

8 Explanation of Grouping Options Relating to Students’ Cultural Needs(Whole grouping) -allows students to discuss and interact about the assignment -less stressful environment.

9 Genre of Writing: - a personal narrative about animals -a story containing a beginning, middle, and end Prewriting: -first stage of writing process - organize our thoughts on graphic organizer -short statements without sentences



12 Accommodations and/or modifications for needs of students with differing developmental needs: Low level learners may benefit from: - a list may be provided of different kinds of settings -a list may be provided of different types of animals that may be familiar to

13 Accommodations and/or modifications for needs of students with differing cultural backgrounds: -allow extra time -a partner to work with during brainstorming -define the vocabulary words (prewriting, topic, main idea, character, problem, solution) on the board (Micheau, 2005)

14 Drafting Explanation of Drafting: -second step of the writing process -taking the information from the prewriting (story map) stage and changing it into sentences - -create a draft of your story -skip lines -write without paying too much attention to punctuation, grammar, or neatness


16 Revising Explanation of Revising: -third step of the writing process -add, change, delete, and rearrange -revising marks -use a marker or pen to make corrections


18 Editing Explanation of Editing: -fix our grammatical errors (capitalization, ending punctuation, commas, apostrophes, and spelling) -proofreading marks


20 Publishing Explanation of Publishing: -final stage of writing process -neatest handwriting -make final changes


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