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Lecture 4 (Nov. 2). The Johari Window Known to Self Unknown to self Known to others Unknown to others OpenBlind HiddenUnknown.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 4 (Nov. 2). The Johari Window Known to Self Unknown to self Known to others Unknown to others OpenBlind HiddenUnknown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 4 (Nov. 2)

2 The Johari Window Known to Self Unknown to self Known to others Unknown to others OpenBlind HiddenUnknown

3 Chapter 3: How Personality Influences Human Relations

4 What makes me this way?

5 Why Study Personality? Personality is often described in theoretical terms. Theory refers to a set of beliefs that has been tested a number of times and considered valid. It is an explanation of “ what makes people tick. ”

6 What IS Personality? PERSONALITY (p. 76) refers to a person ’ s unique pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are consistent over time and across situations. It can be studies from the psychoanalytic, behaviorist, humanist, and trait theory perspectives.

7 Personality and Culture Culture revisited (p. 7) is a set of values, shared by a group of people, which shape and influence norms, attitudes, beliefs, expectations, perceptions, and behaviors of group members.

8 E.g. Attitude towards Wealth Political system (part of Culture ??) Capitalistic society (such as HK, US) vs Socialistic society (such as Sweden, etc.) Culture What shaped the current Culture of HK? Infinite factors but what are the leading ones? e.g. 恭喜發財

9 Values Are the Foundation of Culture Everyone has values. Challenge in value identification involves discovery of positive outcomes each person seeks. Becoming familiar with global value systems provides way to draw ideas and possibilities.

10 Values in Everyday Life

11 What are the origins of culture? Cultural norms are transmitted between generations, causing change to evolve slowly. Basic component of cultural norms equals survival. Cultural norms/values stem from behavior patterns needed to survive and thrive. Survival needs frame cultural variations.

12 Possible factors Confucianism -- 儒家思想 The teaching of Confucius (552-479 BC) a system of ethical precepts for the proper management of society Taoism -- 道家思想 A principal philosophy and system of religion of China based on the teachings of Lao-tzu 老子 in the sixth century B.C. Buddhism 6 th century BC Christianity

13 Confucianism -- 儒家思想 Loyalty 忠 Filial piety 孝 Humanity 仁 The Gentlemen 君子 The Five Bonds 五倫 Etc.

14 五倫 父子之倫父子之倫 兄弟之倫兄弟之倫 夫婦之倫夫婦之倫 君臣之倫君臣之倫 朋友之倫朋友之倫 1.Ruler to Subject ; 2. Father to Son; 3. Husband to Wife; 4. Elder Brother to Younger Brother; and 5. Friend to Friend

15 Buddhism Nirvana 涅盤 / 天堂 Meditation 沈思 / 冥想 the doctrine of reincarnation 輪迴說 / 轉世 Karma 因果報應 Etc.

16 Christian Values God (Father) created everything Jesus (Son) saves people from sin Holy Spirit inspires Christian and brings the presence of God Heaven / Purgatory / Hell

17 Taoism -- 道家思想 the unity of humanity and the universe Way 道 balance between the two opposing energies of yin and yang harmonize cosmic energies Etc.

18 A snapshot of Phi1101 A show of hands An unscientific survey

19 Imperial examination -- 科舉 隋朝科舉制度開啟學而優則仕路徑 500 – 600 AD

20 Imperial examination -- 科舉 功名 利祿 十年寒窗 高中 狀元

21 Assignment 4 Culture in a pic: 1.IC; 2.PD; 3.UA; and 4.MAS. Imperial Examination

22 Where in the world? How does geography influence culture? Geographical region influence Non-geographical influence

23 Geographical region influence Particular challenges (and their resolution) in the environment shape cultural values, norms, and behavior patterns. Challenges include such things as: availability of resources population density climate

24 Non-geographical influence Culture permeates the lives and choices made as people pursue individual goals. Non-geographical influences include such things as: age gender education ethnicity race religion related social needs

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