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Community Change – Chapter 21. Community Change Sit in an open field or wooded lot, and you will see the community change If we designate a prairie as.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Change – Chapter 21. Community Change Sit in an open field or wooded lot, and you will see the community change If we designate a prairie as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Change – Chapter 21

2 Community Change Sit in an open field or wooded lot, and you will see the community change If we designate a prairie as a protected area and keep out grazers and fire, the grassland will go from prairie  shrubland  forest Succession – the development of the community by the action of the vegetation on the environment, which leads to additional species being established

3 Two Types of Succession Primary succession – occurs on new sterile land, such as that uncovered by a retreating glacier or created by an erupting volcano Secondary succession – the recovery of disturbed sites

4 Mount St. Helens – Primary Succession

5 Chance events tend to drive early primary succession – little biological interaction

6 Concepts of Succession Relay floristics – an orderly hierarchical system of change in the community Monoclimax hypothesis – the development of the community is a gradual and progressive change from pioneer species to the climatic climax (community determined by the climate). Subclimax community – results from particular soil types, fire, or grazing (refers to the climatic climax) Facilitation model – early species facilitates the arrival of the later species.

7 Concepts of Succession Initial floristic composition – development at any one site depends on who gets there first First species there either inhibits or has no effect on the next species. Eventually, longer lived species will become the stable community.

8 Concepts of Succession Random Colonization Model – succession only involves the chance survival of different species and the random colonization of new species No facilitation or inhibition. Succession can move in any direction


10 The Climax State The final or stable community in a successional series –Self-perpetuating and in equilibrium with the physical and biotic environment Monoclimax – only one possible climax state in each region –Take away time and disturbance, will always end up with the same community Polyclimax – many different climax states can be found in the same area –Climaxes controlled by soil moisture, nutrients, animal activity, or some other factor

11 The Climax State Criteria is a steady state over time –Abstract idea, climate is always changing on a geologic time scale

12 Patch (Gap) Dynamics Space in a forest = light –A large tree falls in the forest and a ‘gap’ in the canopy opens up and light floods the floor (Even if no one hears it!) A stable community at a regional level may be a mosaic of patches at a local level

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