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Exploration Test Review

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1 Exploration Test Review


3 Which of the following helped Spanish conquistadors defeat the Aztec empire?
The conquistadors outnumbered the Aztecs. The Aztecs were weak from fighting among themselves. A large number of Aztecs died from European diseases. A large number of Aztecs fled the empire.

4 Which of the following statements is TRUE of European life in the 1500s?
Most European rulers permitted freedom of religion. In England, Separatists dominated other religions. In France, Catholics and Protestants lived peacefully together. Most European rulers supported established churches.

5 What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?
to establish laws for the general good to ensure that only Pilgrims governed to establish a state religion to persecute those with certain beliefs

6 The Spanish borderlands were located
in present-day Spain. from present-day Florida to present-day California. in present-day South America. in present-day Panama.

7 Western European nations sent explorers in search
of a northwest passage to find a shorter route to Canada. a land route across North America. a direct route to North America. a direct water route to Asia.

8 Which of the following is a reason that the Pilgrims were
able to survive early hardships in their settlement? They built sturdy wooden houses. Native Americans helped them. They farmed all year long. Other colonists sent them supplies.

9 What was the historical significance of the Virginia House of Burgesses?
It established an official state religion. It began a tradition of military rule in the English colonies. It began a tradition of representative government in the English colonies. It declared Virginia’s independence from Great Britain.

10 Which of the following was a challenge faced by the Jamestown colonists?
disputes with the Spanish over gold mines the king’s refusal to grant a royal charter disease spread by mosquitoes rivalry with the Dutch over the fur trade

11 Which of the following was one result of the Protestant Reformation?
Religious tolerance spread throughout Europe. Religious differences increased rivalries between nations. The influence of the Catholic Church increased. Europe united under one Protestant church.

12 What were the three kinds of settlements in New Spain?
pueblos, presidios, and missions pueblos, presidios, and encomiendas missions, presidios, and peninsulares peninsulares, creoles, and mestizos

13 How did Virginia’s population change after 1619?
Women and Africans arrived in greater numbers. A large number of Puritans settled at Jamestown. An outbreak of malaria killed most of the settlers. A group of Dutch Separatists arrived from the Netherlands.

14 How did Bartolomé de Las Casas attempt to help Native Americans?
He petitioned for shortening their workday in the mines. He convinced Spanish merchants to sell Native American goods around the world. He asked the king of Spain to enact laws prohibiting their enslavement. He convinced the Spanish government to grant encomiendas to settlers.

15 What was one effect of the failure to find a northwest passage to Asia?
Western European nations founded South American colonies. Western European nations stopped trading with Asia. Western European nations made use of North American resources. Western European nations abandoned the idea of exploration.

16 How did most European states treat people who did not follow the established religion?
They tolerated them. They ignored them. They encouraged them. They persecuted them.

17 What was one result of the infighting among the Incas over control of their own government?
They split into two empires. They eventually developed a strong government. They lost their empire to the Spanish. They formed an alliance with Spain.

18 Which of the following is a TRUE statement about the fur trade in North America in the 1600s?
It failed to bring in enough money and was abruptly stopped. It caused Native American tribes to unite against the Europeans. It became the most profitable economic activity of Jamestown. It led to conflict between New France and New Netherland.

19 Spanish explorers in the borderlands were
largely successful because they found gold. largely unsuccessful because they met strong Indian resistance. largely successful because they built close ties with Native Americans. largely unsuccessful because they never succeeded in reaching land.

20 What did the signers of the Mayflower Compact agree to do?
join the Church of England grant female colonists the right to vote make and obey laws for the good of the colony seek peaceful relations with Native Americans

21 the Great Council the House of Burgesses the House of Commons
What assembly established a tradition of representative government in the English colonies? the Great Council the House of Burgesses the House of Commons the House of Lords

22 Which of the following is one reason that the Plymouth Colony succeeded?
The colonists had brought large stores of food with them. Squanto taught them how to grow native food crops. Friends in England sent them new supplies of food. The colonists knew how to catch eels in nearby rivers.

23 In which of the following ways did Europe’s rulers carry the
tensions of the Protestant Reformation from Europe to North America? They forced settlers to convert to the new religion of their native country. They encouraged settlers to protest their church doctrines. They encouraged rivalries between settlers for goods and land. They forced settlers to fight one another for the sake of religion.

24 Which list shows the order of society in New Spain from top to bottom?
Indians, mestizos, creoles, peninsulares mestizos, Indians, peninsulares, creoles Indians, creoles, mestizos, peninsulares peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, Indians

25 Which of the following did settlers in the early years of the
Jamestown Colony require from England? additional laborers religious freedom tobacco more land

26 The idea that colonies exist to serve the mother country
& provide it precious goods is known as representative government Columbian Exchange abolitionism mercantilism

27 agreement between two nations to aid and protect each other
charter precedent alliance Protestant Reformation Northwest Passage established church plantation encomienda presidio Columbian Exchange       agreement between two nations to aid and protect each other legal document giving certain rights to a person or company example for people to follow in the future fort where soldiers lived large estate farmed by many workers

28 charter precedent alliance Protestant Reformation Northwest Passage established church plantation encomienda presidio Columbian Exchange       land grant from the Spanish government to settlers Global exchange of goods & ideas resulting from the encounter of peoples from eastern & western Hemisphere split of the Christian Church in Europe which led to division, tensions, and war in Europe and colonies. the chosen religion for a country a water route that cut through the New World to Asia



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