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Inner Northern Youth Employment Taskforce Report The report identified 4 Key elements to focus on 1.Building the skills and attitudes of young people 2.Build.

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Presentation on theme: "Inner Northern Youth Employment Taskforce Report The report identified 4 Key elements to focus on 1.Building the skills and attitudes of young people 2.Build."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inner Northern Youth Employment Taskforce Report The report identified 4 Key elements to focus on 1.Building the skills and attitudes of young people 2.Build the capacity of local business to support young people 3.Build stronger connections between business, schools, education providers and community agencies 4.Increase access and opportunities to employment page 47 Priorities for Action 2015 The Taskforce has priorities 4 of the 22 recommendations which form the basis of the INYET Action Plan for 2015. INYET Priorities for Action 20151

2 INYET Priorities 2015 ActionsWho could be involved? 1. A inner northern Jobs for Youth campaign should be developed with support from the three Youth Commitments with sponsorship from councils, philanthropic organisations, business and community to promote youth recruitment, training and retention skills, and provide examples of employer approaches to and benefits from employing young people (through publications, expos, and seminars). Campaign Sept – Nov 2015 To incorporate a range of initiatives o Real Industry Interview Program o 3 Jobs for Youth Expos o Where are the jobs Forum? o Pre employment programs calendar of events o Youth Commitment Employment Action Teams o Councils, Youth and Economic development Units o JSA & DES and GTO providers o Community Agencies o Schools o Alternative Education Settings o TAFE o INLLEN 2. Develop a communication strategy for small to medium enterprises on options and strategies for youth employment, as many employers don’t know about the options for their involvement. This would include active promotion of part-time School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships, options for work placements, and other ways of engaging with students in career activities. o Develop a communication strategy for SME businesses in the region o Council Economic Development Units o Northlink o RDA – Northern o Workplace Learning Coordinators o INLLEN 3. Develop an industry mentoring partnership which supports young people in the region. Industry mentors can provide coaching to help young people identify their strengths and aspirations. A key function of industry mentors would be to assist students without work to find part-time jobs, as well as providing additional means to make contacts with employers. o Scope out this idea further for implementation in 2016 o Promote Work Inspiration model for piloting 2015 with Councils and local business o INLLEN o Councils o Inner Northern Community Foundation o Taskforce Members 4. Develop the capacity of local business by sharing good strategic human resources practices that can be developed into a business resource, including the development and adoption of an enterprise employment policy on young people. o Develop a range of local case studies to share across the region o Taskforce Members o Council Economic Development Units o Northlink o INLLEN INYET Priorities for Action 2015 2

3 3 INYET Action Plan 2015 1. Jobs for Youth Campaign Sept - Nov 2015 3. Develop Industry Mentoring Model 4. Human Resources Good Practice Case Studies 2. SME Business Communication Strategy

4 INYET Priorities for Action 2015 4 Jobs for Youth Campaign Jobs for Youth Expo Media PR Campaign Real Industry Job Interviews (RIJI) Engagement & Comm’s with SME Calendar of stakeholder activities Where are the Jobs forum Jobs for Youth Campaign Sept – Nov 2015

5 Campaign Launch- “Where are the Jobs” Forum (Sept) RIJI (Mid October) Jobs Expo (Late October) Calendar of stakeholder activities SME focused engagement Campaign for Action

6 6 Next Steps The Taskforce needs everyone’s support to make this approach work across the region. We are currently seeking sponsorship to resource the Jobs for Youth Campaign. Young people need us all to lead and commit to work together to improve employment opportunities. We need to pool our resources to make this happen across the Inner North.

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