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UNIT 2 PERSONAL EXPRESSION English for Self Expression Sem 1 15/16.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 2 PERSONAL EXPRESSION English for Self Expression Sem 1 15/16."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 2 PERSONAL EXPRESSION English for Self Expression Sem 1 15/16

2 Introduction to Personal Expression What is it?  YOUR personal reaction to something such as an event, a topic, an issue, or another person’s idea or opinion. What is the content?  Your preferences & feelings i.e. likes and dislikes.  Your values and beliefs How do you express it? 1. Focus on YOUR personal emotions and experience. 2. You may or you may not substantiate your personal expression with clear evidence from the work to which you are responding.

3 cont For example “I think this movie is boring because the plot is weak.” Versus “I hate this movie because it is stupid.” Forms of Personal Expression?  1) Written, 2) Oral, 3)Written + Oral Examples of Personal expression?  journal entry, blog post, movie review, song lyrics, vlog

4 Pre-making Personal Expression Below is a checklist of guiding questions to help you prepare a personal expression: What do you think the text/material is about? What are the objectives? What are the themes? How do you feel about the topic/material? Can you relate it to your personal experience? How has it affected your opinion? How well did you enjoy the reading/viewing? What positive things can you say about the reading/viewing? What is your overall reaction to the reading/viewing? What would you change? Why?

5 Reacting in the Form of Writing 1. Describe your emotional reaction to what you have read/viewed/heard. For example, anger, sadness, hilarity, etc. 2. Analyse why the work moves you the way it does by highlighting the elements in the work. for example, in the case of fiction, these elements are themes, the plot, characters, atmosphere 3. If you do not have a strong reaction to the work—explain and support it just like 1 & 2. 4. If you can’t explain it, simply point out any elements that are most vivid to you and tell what it is about these things that attracted your attention and interest. 5. Tell a story from your own life which relates to the work. Perhaps you have gone through an experience like that of one of the characters. Maybe you or someone you know is similar to one of the characters. 6. Add current issues, trends or any knowledge about the world related to the work you are responding to.

6 Reacting Verbally You as the Presenter  Accessorise with a smile  Be confident; don’t think about your weaknesses, focus on your strengths  Believe in your abilities and what you are going to present  Know your facts i.e. what you are presenting-inside out!  Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!  Don’t be flustered when you forgot something: smile and continue on to the next line if you could not remember what you are supposed to say.  Don’t apologise to the audience or reveal any negative/controversial facts about you, your team or your presentation

7 Presentation checklist:  Be creative; incorporate attention grabbing elements such as music (recorded or acoustic), song, skit or pictures, punchlines, anecdotes, interesting facts  Vary your voice tone and tempo  Add appropriate gestures and facial expressions  Wear appropriate attire


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