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1 Biotechnology According to some…Making the products you buy...better!

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1 1 Biotechnology According to some…Making the products you buy...better!

2 2 Biotechnology & Genetically Modified Products Any process that uses our understanding of living things to create a product. Altering the DNA of an organism to get it to express different traits.

3 3 Gene Therapy: Application of genetic engineering techniques to alter or replace defective genes. Application of genetic engineering techniques to alter or replace defective genes.

4 4 Gene/Sequence of Interest - A piece of DNA that codes for a protein we want more of……for example, the gene for human insulin. Gene/Sequence of Interest - A piece of DNA that codes for a protein we want more of……for example, the gene for human insulin. Plasmid – circular piece of DNA found in bacteria Plasmid – circular piece of DNA found in bacteria Recombinant DNA – DNA produced by combining DNA samples from different organisms. Recombinant DNA – DNA produced by combining DNA samples from different organisms.

5 5 Restriction Enzymes: Enzymes that cut DNA at certain sequences.

6 6Transformation: The changing of one strain of bacteria into another strain. The changing of one strain of bacteria into another strain. –This process can be completed using other organisms as well.

7 7 Transgenic Organisms: Any organism whose genome incorporates and expresses genes from another organism of the same or a different species. y/index.php/profile/greg_mayer&h=508&w=640&sz=126&hl=en&start=32&tbnid=3FrSMECBDttBMM:&tbnh=109&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtr ansgenic%2Borganism%26start%3D18%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN

8 8 Human Genome Project In 1990, scientists from several different countries began a project to analyze and sequence all the genes found in human DNA. In 1990, scientists from several different countries began a project to analyze and sequence all the genes found in human DNA. In 2000, this project was essentially completed. In 2000, this project was essentially completed. Potential uses: Potential uses: –Medical research – using gene therapy to cure genetic disorders. –Trace human lineage.

9 9 The Steps to Genetically Engineer an Organism

10 10 Examples of Bioengineered Products

11 11 Golden Rice

12 12 Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone Genetically engineered hormone that forces cows to make more milk than they normally would.

13 13 Spider Silk es_919/JRFJ-Front-LG.gif

14 14 Others Edible Vaccine Bt Crops naturally occurring soil bacteria that produces proteins active against certain insects. Insulin mass production occurs with the help of bacteria.

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