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What is a movie? (more specifically, What is a narrative movie???)

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Presentation on theme: "What is a movie? (more specifically, What is a narrative movie???)"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a movie? (more specifically, What is a narrative movie???)

2 A story or event recorded by camera. The sequence of photographs is projected onto a screen with sufficient speed to create the illusion of motion and continuity.

3 Movies depend on photography Thus…movies depend on LIGHT. Lighting is responsible for the image we see on the screen. Lighting can enhance texture, depth, emotions, and mood. Lighting also affects the way we see and think about the characters.

4 Space and Time Movies manipulate space and time in ways that no other art form can. –Change from one space and time to another is made possible in movies unlike the possibilities of theater. –The lens determines the distance, position and angle at which we see images.

5 Form and Content In a movie, the relationship of its form and content is central to its existence. To distinguish between the two, think of the book version and movie version of the same title. Content is similar but the form very unique.

6 Content Subject of the artwork. The who, what, when, where of the movie.

7 Form The way in which the content is put into pictures and sound in order for us to see/ hear it. How the content is portrayed. Patterns- narrative patterns or visual patterns.

8 Realism, Antirealism and Verisimilitude A movie can create a sense of realism and/ or antirealism, but it should also create verisimilitude.

9 Realism An interest in or concern for the actual or real; a tendency to view or represent things as they really are.

10 Antirealism Not exactly the opposite of realism. Interest in portraying the abstract, or fantastic.

11 Verisimilitude A convincing appearance of truth; movies are verisimilar when they convince you that the things on the screen are “really there”. A “timeless” film is one that can cross cultures and times.

12 Genres of Narrative Film (movies that tell a story) Categories of film –Action –Biography –Comedy –Fantasy –Gangster –Horror –Mystery –Musical –Melodrama –Romance –Thriller –War –Western

13 Historical Drama Macbeth would fall into the genre of historical drama. It is a serious story with conflicts and emotions based on historical events.

14 Cinematic Language A movie creates its effects and meanings through a unique mode of expression that we call cinematic language. Examples –Lighting –Time –Space (close-ups or landscapes)

15 Making the Movie Making a movie usually requires a collaborative effort of many artists and technicians.

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