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Orange Is The New Black By: Duniya Awad & Samantha.

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Presentation on theme: "Orange Is The New Black By: Duniya Awad & Samantha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orange Is The New Black By: Duniya Awad & Samantha

2 Ten Key Terms: Social Conflict Approach Homosexuality Heterosexuality Social Group Norms Medication for deviance Crime Societal Protection Significant Other Culture Shock Social Conflict Approach Homosexuality Heterosexuality Social Group Norms Medication for deviance Crime Societal Protection Significant Other Culture Shock

3 Social Conflict Approach: A framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change.

4 Social Conflict Approach: OITNB In the show Red causes conflict for Alex when she insults her cooking. She denies Alex certain foods or sometimes food till Alex changes her mind and does something for Red.

5 Homosexuality: Sexual attraction of people of the same gender or sex.

6 Homosexuality: OITNB In the show many of the women in the prison are homosexual. Alex and Piper have an on and off relationship and mutual attraction toward each other.

7 Heterosexuality: Sexual attraction of two people of the opposite gender or sex.

8 Heterosexuality: OITNB Piper was in a relationship and engaged to Larry for a while before he found out about Alex and after her first relationship run with Alex.

9 Social Group: Two or more people who identify with and interact with one another.

10 Social Group: OITNB In the prison all the women are in a social group or group of people they identify with. Most common in the show is by race and belief. On the show Tiffany has a social group or followers based on their common beliefs.

11 Norm: Norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance

12 Norms: OITNB On the show there is a prison norm that everyone is common with. The show in a whole breaks the norms of media and television with the appearance of dominantly woman, people of minority, LGBTQ, and elderly people.

13 Medicalization of Deviance: The transfer of moral and legal deviance into a medical condition.

14 Medication of Deviance: OITNB On the show Crazy Eyes has a flashback moment where she shows us her childhood and how she was in treatment and medicated for acting out.

15 Crime: The violation of society’s formally enacted criminal law.

16 Crime: OITNB On the show the setting is a prison and all of the women there where sent there for committing a crime. For Example: Piper was sent there for fraud and carrying illegal drug money across borders which is a crime in society.

17 Societal Protection: Rendering an offender incapable of further offenses temporarily through imprisonment or permanently by execution.

18 Societal Protection: OITNB In the show most of the women are sent to the prison so that they do no further harm to society nor themselves. For example: Dayanara’s mother is sent to prison for drug related charges in order for her not top spread it and for the protection against her own children.

19 Significant Other: People, such as parents, who have special importance for socialization.

20 Significant Other: OITNB On the show many people have a significant other inside and outside the prison. For example: Dia and John have a relationship inside the prison though it is against the rules and have a baby on the way.

21 Culture Shock: Personal disorientation when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life.

22 Culture Shock: OITNB For Piper prison is culture shock never being there or even imaging to be there. She experiences a cultural shock where she makes many mistakes and slowly learns to adapt.

23 Bibliography: Sociology The Basics Textbook Google Images release-early release-early 2015-6 2015-6 e_netflix_series_misrepresents_life_behind_bars/ e_netflix_series_misrepresents_life_behind_bars/ finale-lake-scene-miracle/398555/ finale-lake-scene-miracle/398555/

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