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Smith v. Marx or Capitalism v. Socialism. Modern Capitalism Emergence –Capital is needed to build factories, purchase machines & raw materials & pay labor.

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Presentation on theme: "Smith v. Marx or Capitalism v. Socialism. Modern Capitalism Emergence –Capital is needed to build factories, purchase machines & raw materials & pay labor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smith v. Marx or Capitalism v. Socialism

2 Modern Capitalism Emergence –Capital is needed to build factories, purchase machines & raw materials & pay labor –____________ System because individuals invest in hopes of a profit (future return) –Based on concepts of ___________& competition –Needs & desires of __________ (purchasers) met by quality goods at lowest price

3 Adam Smith 1776: Wrote Wealth of Nations ______________ –People work for self interest –Society naturally benefits ______________ –Government does not interfere with business “hands off”

4 Basic Principles ______________: individual not gov’t ______________: anyone can participate in business ______________: do it for $$$$ ______________: lower prices, better quality, bigger choice, stimulates creativity ______________: supply & demand

5 Labor Discontent _________________Barely above starvation level ___________________Hrs./day Women & children (from age 5 ) Unsanitary & UNSAFE working conditions Technological Unemployment displaced workers

6 Socialism- a movement to displace Capitalism CAPITALISM __________________ own & operate __________________ provide people with goods & services __________________ make decisions SOCIALISM __________________ State planning Gov’t plans economy

7 Utopian Socialists They believed that capitalists, once convinced of the merits would voluntarily discard private ownership & profit motive To many people the possibility that this would happen seemed unlikely, therefore these people were considered dreamers or UTOPIANS Experimental Utopian communities are established and quickly fail.

8 Karl Marx & Scientific Socialism __________________: 1818-1883 “father of communism” –lived in poverty & witnessed the suffering of English industrial workers Wrote: –_______________ : pamphlet written w/ Fredrich Engels –Used “communist” to distinguish himself from Utopians –Das Kapital: criticism of capitalism

9 Marxist ideas & criticisms MARXIST IDEAS Economic interpretation of history _________________ Surplus value: –capitalists exploit the poor Capitalism will destroy itself beginning in industrial countries Ultimate society –Classless w/ no Gov’t CRITICISMS Neglects non-economic factors –Religion & nationalism Interests often coincide Capitalists entitled to profit b/c of risking $$ & managing business Capitalism works w/ in democracies –Responds to voters –Revolution comes to agricultural countries 1st. State becomes all powerful

10 Socialism v. Communism SOCIALISM Achieved by evolution peaceful & legal gaining of control __________________ __________________ __________________ Nationalism of only MAJOR industries COMMUNISM Achieved only by revolution violent overthrow of capitalist Gov’t & economy “_________________ __________________ __________________ Requires Gov’t ownership of ALL means of production

11 Flaws of Socialism Individuals lose incentive to work Gov’t becomes a dictatorship ___________________________________ Gov’t central planning of economy Gov’t must be in constant state of emergency to instigate production Gov’t must adopt capitalist concepts

12 Flaws of Market led capitalism _____________________ These are a few of the reasons why governments became involved with regulating the economy

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