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What does IP mean for educators? Teaching with technology.

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Presentation on theme: "What does IP mean for educators? Teaching with technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does IP mean for educators? Teaching with technology

2 The OpeningScholarship project at UCT

3 A moral tale …. of people in glass houses

4 The importance of research integrity PRISM – The Partnership for Research Integrity in Science and Medicine


6 Fending off bulldogs

7 The world is changing The change wrought by the networked information economy is deep. A series of changes in the technologies, economic organisation and social practices of production in this environment has created new opportunities for how we make and exchange information, knowledge and culture. These changes have increased the role of non-market and non- proprietary production, both by individuals alone and by cooperative efforts in a wide range of loosely or tightly woven collaborations. Yochai Benkler, The Wealth of Networks (2006)

8 We have choices…..

9 What can academics do? Accessing other people’s content Producing our own content Working collaboratively

10 Using copyright material Course packs (and blanket licences) Bibliographies Library database links

11 Using Open Access materials Repositories Discipline-based –ArXiv Institutional Open Access journals OA metadata and interoperability – OAI

12 Repositories The oldest repository – ArXiv Finding OA repositories Open Doar Roar South African repositories in Roar on=&type=&order=name&submit=Filter

13 Self-archiving

14 Open Access Journals Now around 2,500 OA journals, and growing rapidly Directory of OA Journals (Lund University)

15 Self-archiving Having your cake and eating it – more than 90% of journals now allow pre- or post-print archiving Sherpa/Romeo How to use departmental and institutional repositories

16 Sharing content Changing approaches to teaching and learning – collaborative, interdisciplinary The potential for adaptation and re-use Access to knowledge – Open Educational Resources

17 Getting our act together Institutional collaboration – academics, librarians, administrators Policy initiatives


19 Creative Commons Licence This data presentation is the work of Eve Gray, and available under an Attribution Share Alike South African Creative Commons licence 2.5


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