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Supporting NHS Wales to Deliver World Class Healthcare Agwedd Integredig i Gynllunio Gweithlu An Integrated Approach to Workforce Planning (Rheolwraig.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting NHS Wales to Deliver World Class Healthcare Agwedd Integredig i Gynllunio Gweithlu An Integrated Approach to Workforce Planning (Rheolwraig."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting NHS Wales to Deliver World Class Healthcare Agwedd Integredig i Gynllunio Gweithlu An Integrated Approach to Workforce Planning (Rheolwraig Cynllunio Gweithlu) (Workforce Planning Manager) Sue Cromack Rhydian Owen (Medical Workforce Planner) & (Cynlluniwr Gweithlu Meddygol) Sue Cromack & Rhydian Owen

2 Commissioning of the Task and Finish Group Report into Workforce Planning Improving Workforce Planning in Wales Report – Paul Williams (2002) The Review of Health and Social Care in Wales. Advised by Derek Wanless (June 2003) Adroddiad “Improving Workforce Planning in Wales”– Paul Williams (2002) Yr Adolygiad o Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yng Nghymru: Adroddiad Tîm y Prosiect a gynghorwyd gan Derek Wanless (Mehefin 2003) Comisiynu Adroddiad y Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen ar Gynllunio Gweithlu

3 Recommendations & Proposals for new approach to Workforce Planning To address deficiencies in previous process.. Full integration with service and financial planning – alignment of cycles Clear methodology linking activity and workforce – stronger evidence base/data Focus on teams and roles rather than solely specific professional groups Focus on capabilities rather than numbers… however some numbers are important! Argymelliadau & Chynigion ar gyfer agwedd newydd i Gynllunio Gweithlu I adfer diffygiadau yn y broses flaenorol.. Integreiddiad llawn gyda chynllunio gwasanaeth ac ariannol– unioni cylchrediadau Methodoleg glir yn cysylltu gweithgaredd a gweithlu – bâs tystiolaeth/data Ffocws ar dîmau a swyddogaethau yn hytrach nag ar grŵpiau professiynnol penodol Ffocws ar galluoedd yn hytrach nag ar rhifau … er hynny, mae rhai rhifau yn bwysig!

4 Health Select Committee Report “Getting the right staff with the right skills, in the right numbers is the essential foundation to improve services to the public. Getting it wrong means that improvements are more difficult to achieve and at worst, can lead to failing or poor services.” (Page 1) Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Iechyd, Lles a Llywodraeth Leol “…mae sicrhau bod y staff iawn, â’r sgiliau iawn, yn y niferoedd iawn yn cael eu cyflogi’n sail hanfodol i unrhyw ymgyrch i wella gwasanaethau i’r cyhoedd. Mae methu yn hyn o beth yn golygu ei bod yn fwy anodd cyflawni gwelliannau ac, ar y gwaethaf, gall arwain at wasanaethau diffygiol neu wael.” (Tudalen 1)

5 Health Select Committee Recommendations Increase LHB capacity to contribute Ensure robust workforce planning data Review funding for medical and dental training Introduce measures to increase undergraduate applications in Wales Increase input from Voluntary sector, Patient Groups and Trade Unions Sufficient Welsh-speaking staff Greater co-ordination with Social Care Awgrymiadau’r Pwyllgor Iechyd, Lles a Llywodraeth Leol Codi gallu Byrddau Iechyd Lleol i gyfrannu Sicrhau data cynllunio gweithlu cadarn Adolygu cyllid ar gyfer hyfforddi meddygol a deintyddol Cyflwyno mesurau i gynyddu ceisiadau israddedig yng Nghymru Cynyddu mewnbynnu o’r sector Wirfoddol, grŵpiau cleifion ac Undebau Llafur Lefel digonol o staff sy’n medru siarad Cymraeg Gwell cyd-drefniant gyda Gofal Cymdeithasol

6 Integrated Planning for Success T&F Group proposal included three different levels of planning :- National strategic planning Regional/Local Health economy strategic workforce planning Employer operational workforce development plans Cynllunio Integredig ar gyfer Llwyddiant Cynigion y Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen yn cynnwys tair lefel gwahanol o gynllunio:- Cynllunio strategol cenedlaethol Cynllunio gweithlu strategol rhanbarthol / Economi Iechyd Lleol Cynlluniau datblygu gweithlu gweithredol cyflogwyr

7 Progress to date Developed new process/guidance/tools Awareness raising for all key stakeholders Training contract agreed & training commenced Benchmarking data sets – Regional workshops Labour market analysis – Skills for Health Cynnydd hyd yn hyn Datblygu proses / canllawiau / teclynau newydd Codi ymwybyddiaeth ymysg rhanddeiliaid allweddol Contract hyfforddi wedi ei chytuno a hyfforddi wedi dechrau Set ddata meincnodi– gweithdai rhanbarthol Dadansoddiad merchnad lafur– Sgiliau Iechyd

8 WAG Circular & Guidance Integration of workforce planning within a strengthened planning context for Wales from 2009 Minimum requirements and timescales Workforce planning framework Support and feedback mechanisms Clear identification of roles Performance management arrangements Decision awaited from WAG regarding issue Integreiddio cynllunio gweithu o fewn cyd-destun cynllunio mwy cryf yn Nghymru o 2009 ymlaen Anghenion ac amserlenni gofynnol Fframwaith cynllunio gweithlu Mecanweithiau cefnogi ac adborthi Adnabyddiaeth glir o swyddogaethau Trefniadau rheoli perfformiad Disgwylir penderfyniad gan Llywodraeth y Cynulliad ar y mater Canllawiau & Cylchlythyr Llywodraeth y Cynulliad

9 Key Issues Major change management process Integration of workforce within financial and service planning Realistic expectations of first year Timing: Implementation of new system during major reconfiguration – uncertain planning context Integrated health economy plans required Proses rheoli newid sylweddol Integreiddiad cynllunio gweithlu gyda chynllunio ariannol a gwasanaeth Disgwyliadau realistig o’r flwyddyn gyntaf Amseru: Gweithredu’r system newydd yn ystod ailffurfweddu sylweddol – cyd-destun cynllunio ansicr Angen cynlluniau economi iechyd integredig Materion Allweddol

10 Shifting the Balance Workforce Planning is about responsibility for Human Resources. Workforce Planning is the responsibility of the whole organisation at all levels and not the Human Resources Departments The balance needs to shift to ensure service reflect the needs of the community Symud y Balans Cnewyllyn Cynllunio Gweithlu yw’r dyletswydd am Adnoddau Dynol. Mae Cynllunio Gweithlu yn ddyletswydd ar yr holl gwmni / sefydliad ar bob lefel, nid dim ond yr Adrannau Adnoddau Dynol. Mae’n rhaid i’r balans symud er mwyn sicrhau fod y gwasanaeth yn adlewyrchu anghenion y gymuned.

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