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Chapter 9: Disease Unit C: Disease Defence and Human Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9: Disease Unit C: Disease Defence and Human Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9: Disease Unit C: Disease Defence and Human Health

2 9.1 Causes of Human Disease  Disease prevents the body from functioning normally  Through the invention of the microscope, Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch found and identified micro-organisms called microbes  Microbes that cause disease are called pathogens  Pathogens are one cause for disease  What are some other causes?

3 9.1 Causes of Human Disease  Bacteria  They are EVERYWHERE!!!  On your skin, in the air your breathe, in your hair.  Bacteria can harmful and beneficial.  Bacteria can reproduce quickly but they need the right environment.  1.  2.  3.

4 9.1 Causes of Human Disease  Viruses  found anywhere that there are cells  Viruses are smaller than bacteria and reproduce by taking over cells in the body.  Protists  Single celled organisms that share some characteristics with both animals and plants  Giardia is a common protist – aka Beaver Fever  Fungi  Ex: molds, yeast, and mushrooms  Some fungi are parasites and live on host organisms

5 9.2 Communicable and Non-communicable Disease  Communicable vs. Non-communicable  What are they? How are they different?  Importance of a clean environment  Diseases can spread through air, water, food, and contact  Conditions in certain environments need to be extremely clean to stop pathogens from spreading  Ex: Restaurants – food handling  Why is it important to handle food properly in restaurants?

6 9.2 Communicable and Non-communicable Disease  How do you get a non-communicable disease?  What are some factors?  Bad environmental conditions  Poor diets  Unhealthy lifestyles  Genetics

7 9.3 Who is most likely to get sick?  People in Canada live to almost an average age of 80  People in Sierra Leone (Africa) live to an average age of 33  Why is that?  What are some of the risk factors with getting sick?  Eating properly  Smoking  Not having a toilet  Others?

8 9.4 Stop Disease in its Tracks  Preventing food poisoning  Food poisoning (staph bacteria) enters food when coughing, sneezing, or handling food without washing your hands properly  Food Preservation  Canning, salting, freezing, drying  Examples?  Aseptic Methods  Free of pathogens/sterile

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