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The Spreading of Disease. The Spreading of Disease: Infection  Infectious diseases spread in one of four ways:  Contact with infected person  Contact.

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Presentation on theme: "The Spreading of Disease. The Spreading of Disease: Infection  Infectious diseases spread in one of four ways:  Contact with infected person  Contact."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Spreading of Disease

2 The Spreading of Disease: Infection  Infectious diseases spread in one of four ways:  Contact with infected person  Contact with contaminated object  Contact with infected animal  Contact with environmental source

3 Carrier vs. Vector  Vector—insect spreading disease (tick, mosquito)  Carrier—organism that has a virus or bacteria but not showing the signs of the disease.  Person with HIV

4 Antibiotics  Antibiotics work on bacterial infections  Bacteria can become antibiotic resistant  Due to overuse or not taken the medicine as prescribed.  Examples of antibiotics:  Z-packs, CepCor, Penicillin, etc

5 Penicillin  Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin by accident  Penicillin is a fungus

6 Vaccines  Vaccine—a weakened or dead version of the actual virus/bacteria given to you to force your immune system to build antibodies against the disease.  Flu shot

7 Your Body  Pathogen—a microbe that cause disease  Antibodies—kill pathogens in body  Activity Immunity—organism gets virus and builds up antibodies for virus  Passive Immunity—inject with antibodies from another organism

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