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Collaborations of Librarians & Scientists to Support Agriculture Research Martin Kesselman Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey USA

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborations of Librarians & Scientists to Support Agriculture Research Martin Kesselman Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey USA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborations of Librarians & Scientists to Support Agriculture Research Martin Kesselman Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey USA Martin Kesselman Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey USA


3 Evolving Digital Landscape  Scientists, Farmers, Librarians  Embedded Librarianship  Global Partnership Opportunities  Scientists, Farmers, Librarians  Embedded Librarianship  Global Partnership Opportunities

4 Digital Landscape -- Scientists  Begin and end research online  Global interdisciplinary e.g. global warming, biotechnology, food/hunger  Greater reliance on data / multimedia  Unaware of value provided by library  Begin and end research online  Global interdisciplinary e.g. global warming, biotechnology, food/hunger  Greater reliance on data / multimedia  Unaware of value provided by library

5 Kesselman, Collaboration of Scientists Survey 2008 Collaborations of Academic Scientists  87% collaborate within the institution  80% collaborate outside the institution  50% collaborate globally  70% in multidisciplinary collaborations  33% collaborate with corporate  30% collaborate with non-scientists  10% with librarian/info professional  87% collaborate within the institution  80% collaborate outside the institution  50% collaborate globally  70% in multidisciplinary collaborations  33% collaborate with corporate  30% collaborate with non-scientists  10% with librarian/info professional

6 Kesselman, Collaboration of Scientists Survey 2008 Survey: Scientist Use of Experts  IT Specialists41%  Government professionals40%  Librarians25%  Corporate professionals20%  IT Specialists41%  Government professionals40%  Librarians25%  Corporate professionals20%

7 Kesselman, Collaboration of Scientists Survey 2008 Scientists’ Use of Librarians

8 Kesselman, Collaboration of Scientists Survey 2008 Some Comments from Scientists  Computer resources have made the use of information professionals less of a need for us.  The survey.. prompted me to consider how I might ask a librarian to help.  I would use (librarians).. if they could fix me up with tools to find exactly what I want.  The few times I have tried to use the experience and skills of librarians.. their help have been poor or none.  Computer resources have made the use of information professionals less of a need for us.  The survey.. prompted me to consider how I might ask a librarian to help.  I would use (librarians).. if they could fix me up with tools to find exactly what I want.  The few times I have tried to use the experience and skills of librarians.. their help have been poor or none.

9 Kesselman, Collaboration of Scientists Survey 2008 More Comments from Scientists  The online digital library at my institution is excellent. The librarians are not needed much because they have done such a good job of implementing the digital interface. Occasionally something goes wrong and we need to consult with them. … Our librarians are like a fine engine in an expensive car - you seldom notice they are there because the performance is so good and you are enjoying the ride. To beat the metaphor into the ground, maybe they need to add the digital equivalent of a big horn to remind us from time to time.

10 Digital Landscape: Farmers  Barriers: remote / rural / language  More reliance on Internet, mobile phones  Timely access to weather, disease, etc.  Improved access to markets  Better access to techniques / best practices for sustainability (e-agriculture)  Role of e-government  Barriers: remote / rural / language  More reliance on Internet, mobile phones  Timely access to weather, disease, etc.  Improved access to markets  Better access to techniques / best practices for sustainability (e-agriculture)  Role of e-government

11 Librarians in the Digital Landscape

12 Digital Landscape -- Librarians  More digitization / repositories  Multi-institutional collaboration – e.g. for collections / tech services  More building-focused  Less likely to take risks  Value is misunderstood / unknown by scientists  More digitization / repositories  Multi-institutional collaboration – e.g. for collections / tech services  More building-focused  Less likely to take risks  Value is misunderstood / unknown by scientists

13 Value of Librarians  Ability to bridge vocabularies / perspectives  Collect and preserve authoritative content  Increase access to digital research  Skills transferrable to data / multimedia  Information literacy roles  Culture of service  Ability to bridge vocabularies / perspectives  Collect and preserve authoritative content  Increase access to digital research  Skills transferrable to data / multimedia  Information literacy roles  Culture of service

14 Challenges for Librarians  Moving outside the library: embedded librarians  Less ownership / branding – moving to multi-institutional entities  Greater collaboration needed – local, national, global related to e-science  Virtual collaboratories of scientists  Moving outside the library: embedded librarians  Less ownership / branding – moving to multi-institutional entities  Greater collaboration needed – local, national, global related to e-science  Virtual collaboratories of scientists

15 Embedded Librarians  Focus is on partnership not service  Offices in academic and research departments, on research teams, grants  Librarians as publishers  Adding value to research results / data  Librarians in virtual spaces / engaging users via web 2.0  Focus is on partnership not service  Offices in academic and research departments, on research teams, grants  Librarians as publishers  Adding value to research results / data  Librarians in virtual spaces / engaging users via web 2.0

16 Global Collaborations of Libraries for Science Research

17 Collaborations of Libraries: AgNIC, SIDALC  Multi-institutional global partnerships of agriculture libraries  Bring together agriculture information and discoverability, and unique resources  Cooperative agreements / projects  Subject repositories  Multi-institutional global partnerships of agriculture libraries  Bring together agriculture information and discoverability, and unique resources  Cooperative agreements / projects  Subject repositories

18 Parntership Opportunities  Less $$ = opportunity to pool resources  Centralized services such as curation of agriculture and related data  Education / webinars  Developing standards  Global virtual reference  Web 2.0 / micro social networks  Less $$ = opportunity to pool resources  Centralized services such as curation of agriculture and related data  Education / webinars  Developing standards  Global virtual reference  Web 2.0 / micro social networks

19 Collaborate to Innovate  How to increase participation? funds?  Who are strategic partners?  Adapting digital library to user workflows / ethnographic studies  Webscale – so much info, so little time  Collective intelligence e.g. developing tools for collaborative science  How to increase participation? funds?  Who are strategic partners?  Adapting digital library to user workflows / ethnographic studies  Webscale – so much info, so little time  Collective intelligence e.g. developing tools for collaborative science

20 A Call for Change  The American code is DREAM  The German code is ORDER  The Google code is GROWTH  The Library code is SUSTAINABILITY  The IFLA code is THINK ABOUT IT  What is the code for SIDALC?  The American code is DREAM  The German code is ORDER  The Google code is GROWTH  The Library code is SUSTAINABILITY  The IFLA code is THINK ABOUT IT  What is the code for SIDALC? Stephen Warwa, IFLA, Milan 210

21 Resources  Kept Up Academic Librarian http://keptup.typepad.com  Library Success Wiki http://www.libsuccess.org  SLA. Innovation Lab  Horizon Report http://www.nmc.org  Innovation Tools http://www.innovationtools.com  Designing Better Libraries http://dbl.lishost.org  Embedded http://embeddedlibrarian.wordpress.com  Kept Up Academic Librarian http://keptup.typepad.com  Library Success Wiki http://www.libsuccess.org  SLA. Innovation Lab  Horizon Report http://www.nmc.org  Innovation Tools http://www.innovationtools.com  Designing Better Libraries http://dbl.lishost.org  Embedded http://embeddedlibrarian.wordpress.com


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