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Sea Floor Spreading Inside Earth Ch. 1.4

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1 Sea Floor Spreading Inside Earth Ch. 1.4
Sea Floor Spreading Song =

2 Introduction A. Deep in the ocean the temp is near _freezing_(0C)
B. Many things live in the deep ocean. 1. Giant __tubeworms_ and clams 2. Provide evidence for Wegener’s hypothesis of __Continental Drift__. 500 × 340 - Brain Pop = Ocean Floor

3 I. Mid Ocean Ridges A. Sonar = device that bounces sound waves off underwater objects and records them  B. Mid-ocean ridges are _mountain chains underwater and the island of Iceland. C. Mapping the ridges makes scientists want to know more about them.

4 1181 × 1181 -

5 II. What is Sea Floor Spreading
A. _Harry Hess_ an American geologist studied mid- ocean ridges. B. His idea was of sea-floor spreading that continually adds new __material___ to the __ocean floor. Sea Floor Spreading (Nye clip) =

6 Sea Floor C. Sea floor spreads apart along both sides of mid-ocean ridge as __new crust is added. D. As the ocean floor moves, the _continents_ move too. E. _Older_ rock gets pushed further out from the ridge.

7 Sea Floor

8 III. Evidence from Sea Floor Spreading
A. Molten Material 1. A submarine, Alvin went to the ocean floor to find evidence of sea-__floor__ _spreading__. Molten material is erupting from the mantle and hardens quickly when it hits the cold ocean water. Brain Pop = Submarine

9 Evidence B. Magnetic stripes
1. Scientists found that the rock makes up the ocean floor lies in patterns of _magnetized__ “stripes”. 2.These stripes hold a record of __reversal___ in Earth’s magnetic field. Magnetic Field Reversal =

10 Evidence C. Drilling samples
1. Drilling into oceanic rock has given us the _ages_ of the rock. 2. Scientists determined that the _youngest__ rocks were __closest__ to the center of the mid-ocean ridges and the older rocks were farther away from the ridges.

11 IV. Subduction at the Trenches
A. deep ocean trenches = underwater canyon B. Subduction = ocean floor moves back into the mantle through deep ocean trenches

12 Subduction C. Subduction and Earth’s oceans
1. Pacific Ocean is __Shrinking__; 2. Atlantic Ocean is _Expanding___.

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