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Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 1. Philippians – Background Writer: Paul When/Where: Most probably during Paul’s first imprisonment at Rome (AD.

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1 Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 1

2 Philippians – Background Writer: Paul When/Where: Most probably during Paul’s first imprisonment at Rome (AD 60-62) Phil 1:13 – “Imperial guard” Phil 4:22 -- “saints… of Caesar’s household” Interesting Facts Site of the battle between Mark Anthony & Octavian (Augustus) and Cassius and Brutus (assassins of Julius Caesar) Became relocation site for Anthony’s soldiers/veterans No Synagogue, because few Jews lived there

3 Philippians - Background, First Mention: Acts 16:11-40 Paul sees a vision of a man telling him to go to Macedonia (16:9-10) Lydia is the first European convert mentioned (16:14-15) Church in Philippi becomes the first church in Europe Paul send the evil spirit out of the slave girl (16:16-17) Gets beaten and thrown in prison (16:19-24) Jailer converts (16:25-34) Paul confronts leaders (16:35-40)

4 Philippians - Theme John MacArthur - “Pursuing Christlikeness, as the most defining element of spiritual growth and the one passion of Paul in his own life” Christ’s humility and exaltation is eloquently described in 2:5-11 Joy is the dominate tone No historical information other than Paul’s autobiography (3:4-7) and little direct theological instruction Ray Stedman – “Jesus Christ and his availability for coping with the problems of life.” Joy and rejoice in your suffering and difficulties Warren Wiersbie – Joy in being a Christian Commentary to be used

5 Philippians – Joy-Stealers 1.Only true believers in Christ can experience the fullness of joy. What does “fullness of joy” mean to you? (Psalm 16:11) 2.Why did Paul seem to be an unlikely person to write about joy? 3.What circumstances in your everyday life rob you of your Christian joy? 4.Are there certain people who irritate you without even trying? 1.What can you do about it?

6 Philippians - Joy-Stealers 5.Do you think Christians today are more or less concerned about things than Christians fifty years ago were? 6.Do you worry often? What do you worry about? 7.What do you think it means to be single-minded? How can you better pursue this in your own life? a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. Luke 12:15 And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” James 1:8

7 Philippians - Joy-Stealers 8.Do you find it hard to be submissive to other people? Why or why not? 9.Do you consider yourself a spiritually-minded person? Why or why not? 10.In what ways do you feel secure? In your job? In your family? In your relationship with Christ? Thank the Lord for these things.

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