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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0943r0 Submission July 2015 802.24 Vertical Applications Technical Advisory Group Liaison Report Date: 2015-07-17 Slide 1 Author:

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0943r0 Submission July 2015 802.24 Vertical Applications Technical Advisory Group Liaison Report Date: 2015-07-17 Slide 1 Author:

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0943r0 Submission July 2015 802.24 Overview 802.24.1 Smart Grid Task Group –Internal / external coordination in matters related application of IEEE 802 standards for Smart Grid –802.24.1 TG meets at Plenaries and Wireless Interims 802.24.2 IoT Application Task Group –Coordination related to 802 application in Internet of Things –802.24.2 TG meets at plenaries Tim Godfrey, EPRISlide 2 802.24 Vertical Applications TAG 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG802.24.2 IoT TG

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0943r0 Submission July 2015 802.24 TAG – July 2015 Agenda: 24-15-0019r224-15-0019r2 Closing Report 24-15-0021r024-15-0021r0 Meetings for the Week –Monday PM2TAG and 802.24.1 –Tuesday PM2802.24.2 –Wednesday PM2802.24.1 and TAG 802.24 TAG Items –Vice Chair ElectionBen Rolfe –Continued discussion 802 Student Paper contest Propose to EC, plan to announce at September interim. Tim Godfrey, EPRISlide 3

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0943r0 Submission July 2015 802.24 Task Groups – July 2015 24.1 Smart Grid TG: –White paper development on Sub 1GHz wireless Document outline updated to : 24-15-0009r224-15-0009r2 –Companion presentation for the 802 Smart Grid white paper. Latest draft presentation is 24-14-0035r724-14-0035r7 –ITU-R WP 1A Q236/1 report on Smart Grid - open for comment 802.24 will provide comments as edits, to be completed at or before the March 2016 Plenary 24.2 IoT TG –Discussion on IoT White Paper Development First topic on IoT for Data Centers, discussion on possible topic on sensors –P2413 IoT Architecture WG Liaison update –IoT Liaison planning: Liaison Report FrameworkLiaison Report Tim Godfrey, EPRISlide 4

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